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Yer Oul Lad Bating Ye

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My mum would give me and my brother a slap but in the end we'd just laugh. My dad wouldn't even have to hit us and we'd be in tears lol. Got the belt probably a handful of times. Now days wed kick the shit out of him but course were too old to be getting in any sort of trouble like that. To be fair if we done anything wrong when younger it wasnt anything scummy. Dad would tell us off infront of people then later come into the room and tell us just be careful not to get caught lol.

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I can't for the life of me think why a grown man would want to beat his own kids, I got a slapped arse off my mother now and then for being a naughty boy but that's as far as it went. All it took more often than not was the death stare!

I'm 34 now and have the up most respect for both my mum and dad and I love them dearly, I don't think I'd feel the same if I was brought up constantly getting the belt off them

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i had the belt of me old chap once or twice when i was growing up. the local pub was 2 miles down the road and sometimes me and my brother would get a little to much for mother to handle so she would phone the pub and my old chap would come home gives a good whack each and fook of straight back down the pub. they were the worst slaps and more often than not the threat of getting dad back from the pub was enough to makes us start behaving for mother.


me dad wasnt a drunk or nothing just liked a pint or two.

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The old boy would have to get the belt out a bit when I was in school for fighting and things but it just makes you worse because it just makes you harder when you've had a good pasting from him bats of school mates feel like a pat on the back.

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The old boy would have to get the belt out a bit when I was in school for fighting and things but it just makes you worse because it just makes you harder when you've had a good pasting from him bats of school mates feel like a pat on the back.

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my old man only ever belted me about 4-6 time in his life he was a top bloke and would explain things to the point of you thinking about it and not doing it but mother on the other hand would beat me daily she d batter me with the washing tongs sticks or anything else she could grab one day she hit me with an axe handle I saw red and battered her but boy I got a belting when the old man came home !!!

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My old man never laid a finger on me,,not ever,,,had a few smacked arses of me mum,,,but very rare,,,I remember giving her some mouth one day when I was 16 ish,,,and she slapped my face,,,that shocked me lol.....


But the best was when I was around 6 ,,,me and a pall were playing in the garden and swearing like old coal miners aparantly,,,,and she got us inside and rubbed a bar of soap round our mouths,,,to clean it out she says,,,,

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Got a good few clipped ears off my Mam, but Dad didn't hold with that sort of thing !


When I was 16/17, I swore at her for the one and only time....................... I feared for my life, but I've never done it again in the 35 years since !

I love my Mum dearly, and I can honestly say that I deserved it every time, so I can't hold it against her.

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My old man never laid a finger on me,,not ever,,,had a few smacked arses of me mum,,,but very rare,,,I remember giving her some mouth one day when I was 16 ish,,,and she slapped my face,,,that shocked me lol.....


But the best was when I was around 6 ,,,me and a pall were playing in the garden and swearing like old coal miners aparantly,,,,and she got us inside and rubbed a bar of soap round our mouths,,,to clean it out she says,,,,

Reminds me of the time I was up on the flat roof of the shed filling in the leaks in the asbestos with Rito it was like a pliable bituminous putty. We were not allowed on the roof so I was going at it and a voice said Allan are you up there, I shit myself thinking it was my father, but it was just my brother mucking about, so I punched him hard.


Up on the roof I went again and the same thing happened, I thought it was my brother and told him to F**k off, next thing I knew was a hand coming up over the roof and grabbing me, it was my old man this time, boy did I have a hiding, found out later my brother had grassed me up because I had punched him.


Ahh the good old days. :laugh:



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well had good one of my old man, when I was in my 20's yeh .lol Me and younger brother were having a real good go in the kitchen . He was as big as me but bit heavier , fists+feet were going and tables+chairs all over the place, I got him with hell good puch knocked him to the back kitchen door, and tried to ram him through it , his arm went through .My mother was trying to get me off him,and get me away from him, blood every where did stop with my mom hanging on to me then. I went to work, and my brother went to the A.E this all happened at 7am , my younger brother started to pick on my nephew our sister son (9) year old who was living with us at the time . Got to work and my old man worked at the same place, I went in his office to tell him what happened , but my mom had already phoned him , before I could say anything to him, he punched me right in the guts :censored: , and said keep your hands to your self , and pack your bags . I got the blame for what happened and yet it wasn't my fault . from that day on me and my old man were never friendly , only made it up to him when he was dying from stomach cancer,i looked after him the last 6 months of his life :yes:

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had many a hiding of him up till i was 5, when he left. but i do agree with a smack on the ass. any man that beats kid properly you will find is a wimp. same as my own da, couldnt beat snow of a rope.

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