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Yer Oul Lad Bating Ye

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Any one care to translate for me please? :laugh: I used to get seven kinds of shit beaten out of me. Did it put me on the straight and narrow? Nope, but what I was taught in-between the beatings did.



lol one was enough for me the beek over here is not going to school..nans can do his own translating Edited by Hareydave
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My old man never laid a finger on me, although I definitely deserved the odd wack.......

that was a one an only from mine. but it had nothing to do with missing school, cause I never went, it was the fear factor of what if the bus crashed. belive it or not mate but I cant write
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I am not talking about a clip round the ear, many is the time that people had to pull him off me, when he had me on the floor kicking me. In his defence I was a right little bar steward, never criminal just always in trouble, and a mouth that was too big for my age. He died when I was 12, and I spent the next two years looking for him, hitch-hiking to all the places we had been together hoping against hope that I would find him. That may have been because I was considered too young to go to the funeral.



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I am not talking about a clip round the ear, many is the time that people had to pull him off me, when he had me on the floor kicking me. In his defence I was a right little bar steward, never criminal just always in trouble, and a mouth that was too big for my age. He died when I was 12, and I spent the next two years looking for him, hitch-hiking to all the places we had been together hoping against hope that I would find him. That may have been because I was considered too young to go to the funeral.



fxxk you sound like jonny cash ........boy named sue lol HOW DO YOU DO.

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My old boy used to give out the hideings only when you deserved it, i can still hear the words " you start that whingeing and i will give you something to whinge about " thats after he threw me around the place like a ragdoll. Taught me to be tough .

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