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Thrashing A Pup Whilst Training

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As soon as you beat,or feel the need to,then its best to get rid and take up another hobby more in keeping with your abilities,head butting steel pillars or chasing fire engines.There is a world of di

Feck me! If you can't outwit a bloody dog without taking your hands to it then sell the bugger and take up golf

It's easy to beat confidence out of a pup but very hard to built confidence back ,especially in saluki type puppies just need loads of patience and black mailing with treats especially in younger pu

If you have to resort to thrashing a dog you have either lost your temper or you are a shit dog trainer and need to bully the dog into submission to get it to do what you want either way you have failed yourself and the dog ........

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What's that quote that goes something like..."where violence begins, knowledge ends"...?


I find that what works best for me and mine is to take a step back and give them, and myself, a bit more thinking time. One simple example is that when they take up all the lead when walking them, I simply stand still and don't move forwards until they step back towards me...it works much quicker than repeated...jerk, jerk, jerk.

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I think thrashing is very strong in the sense of the word , and I would like to think that no one would thrash a dog, but ive physically corrected a dog in exstream circumstances and that's not beating the thing,........ a lot of respect for me companions , nothing better than too be out in the middle of the night under the moon and having a cuppa with the lurcher whilst filling the game bag , and they are like your best loyal companions , bloody magic being out with them.

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"Thrashing"...."Beating"...."violence"......if you can't tell the difference between those words and "correction" when training then don't get a dog.

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