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How To Repair A Net.


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If you use nets often you will know that at some time they will need repairing. This can seem a daunting task but once you get the principles right, it is not really that difficult.

I think I had better start at the beginning and show the tools I use. In the photo you will see A stretching frame, two bars to hold the net, one bar to make the meshes, bungy and needle and twine and scissors.



To stretch the meshes a bar is placed though the meshes above the hole and the bar with the loop in is place beneath the hole, the bungy is then attached to the loop in the bottom bar that then puts tension on the netting.


The next set of photos are for machine made nets, as hand made nets are repaired slightly differently.


Before, even all the simplest of repairs, you have to trim the hole so that the repair can be done in one go, and it will make the repair more efficient.

Here is a simple hole but it still need trimming.


After it is trimmed. You will see at figures 1 there are two knots with three legs coming off them These are the knots you use to start and finish your repair.

The next photo is a larger hole but the same principles apply you need a start point and a finishing point.

The hole before trimming.


I find it easier if I trim in rows and at the end of each row where you prepare for the next row there will be a side knot that allows you to drop down a row.

In this photo I am coming to the end of a row and it shows where I need to cut next to get my side knot.


Now I have my side mesh at the end of the first row of trimming I can move down and carry on with my trimming of the hole. You will see in this photo that on the right hand side of the hole the hole goes down further so to compensate for that the meshes on the left hand side have to be trimmed off. The figure 2 is the side mesh of the first row.


This is the hole trimmed ready for knitting in the repair. Figures 1 are your start and finish points and figures 2 are your side knots that allow you to drop down a row.


One last type of hole I would like to show how to trim up. The vertical rip. Where the net has been ripped vertically but not many meshes broken even though the rip is a long one.

Rip before mending.


As ever you have your starting point, and work in rows, even if it is only one mesh, till you reach the side mesh them progress to the next row and trim that.

The start.

Side meshes.handmademends029_zps04ec92d3.jpg


The end of the rip.


Before we progress to the knots used in repairing a net I would like say how I trim hand made nets.

Hand made nets differ fro machine made nets in that they are knitted lengthways. When I have to repair hand made nets I usually but not always follow the way they were made. Here we have an example of trimming a net with damage similar to the damage in Terry's photo.

The damage.


The trimmed net ready for repairing. The nets are cut back to a side knot past the deepest bit of damage, then that line of side knots is kept all the way down the trim.



The nets are cut following the way they were knitted. You do not have to do them this way, but I prefer it.


When knitting in a repair you may have to start on the right and knit to the left, or if it is a multiple row repair you will have to travel from left to right and right to left. Even though the knot used is the same knot, it is formed differently.

When travelling from left to right in normal knitting, you go up through the half mesh above, throw a loop to the left, around the back of the half mesh above and through the loop before you pull the knot tight. This ensures that the twine is exiting the knot in the direction you are knitting, thereby avoiding any twist in the net.

When knitting from right to left you have to do the opposite, to ensure that the twine exits the knot in the correct position and avoid twists in the meshes.

To knit right to left instead of going up through the mesh, you go down through the mesh, throw the loop to the right of the knot then go down through the loop then pull to tighten the knot.


The other knot that most will not have used before is the side knot. Again, it depends on if the side knot is on the left or the right as to which side the loop is thrown to have the twine exiting the knot correctly. If the side knot is on the left, then a left hand loop is thrown and you come up though the loop, if it is on the right then a right hand loop is thrown and you go down through the loop.

Before you get to making the loop, I make a half loop with the twine below the side knot.


Then make the loop to finish the knot.


Pull tight and you have the completed side knot.


Knitting in the repair

When knitting in the repair you must always start with the three legged knot. As with these simple repairs.



As long as you have done the trimming of the holes correctly, knitting in even more complicated repairs is not difficult.






The last type of repair I would like to show you is the repair to a hand made net. This is about the only type of repair where you can use a normal mesh gauge. By stretching the net the way it was knitted I was able to use the mesh gauge to repair the bottom of the net. I knitted in the trimmed part of the net, then added a selvedge as you normally would.


I ran out of purple twine so used what was at hand.


Selvedge added.


Well that's it, there are only a couple of rules that have to be obeyed, starting on a three legged knot and using a side mesh to drop down a row. All the rest you can do to suit yourselves. I hope from the photos and text above, you should with a little practice be able to mend any repairs you need to. If you have any questions? Please ask away.


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I tried, from memory the other day.... :laugh::laugh: Got pissed off and just threaded all the edges into a birds nest. On the basis, all my nets are rigged by half, they`ll be fine. :laugh: Probably not done myself any favours.. Im sure I invented some new knots.


I`ll knock the kit up and give it another go Al. I owe you that much for this thread.

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  On 22/08/2014 at 17:35, terryd said:

You won't find a more comprehensive post than that on mending nets every thing is covered rather than just parts of it. I all most can't wait for the next rabbit to shred my nets :thumbs:

Agreed, a lot of work went into that post and it shows. :yes:

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I wonder how many nets get shortened,,,cos of not knowing how to repair,,,start of with a hundred yarder,,,and over the years it turns in to a 60 and a 40,,, ,,,or an 80 and a little stop net,,,,or of course a hole pile of purs nets,,,lol

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Hi tiercel,

There is a mountain of information in this post. I do a bit of mending myself but am limited due to not knowing how t cut the net properly. I am watching your side knot here and it is very well explained. I was a little confused when you refer to how you have to reverse the sheet bend knot from up throught the mesh to down through the mesh when you switch from left to right direction of mending as I had never heard or read about it before. I have had the issue where the meshes were twisting in me and I could not figure out why. If only I could master cuutting the net now things would be easier for me. Thanks a million!

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If you were to add a SBS for the starter and ender knot then that would really make this net repair thread the very best and clearest I have ever seen. Everythig to do with the repair in one place would be a brilliant advantage to anybody who likes to chance their arm with repairing a net.

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