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Well, I Never Did........... No, Really !

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The current Mrs BB (she of the very tiny hands! :laugh: ) was telling me about someone on Facebook, who's made one of those 'bucket lists', you know 'things to do before you die' kind of thing.


I gave some brief thought to mine - sky-diving, swimming with dolphins, all the usual - then a sobering thought struck me...................


Here I was, making up this list of extraordinary and memorable things to do, and there's loads and loads of ordinary, everyday things I've never done. Things some people do on an almost daily basis, have never entered my sphere of existence...................


To illustrate, here's the first one that came to me - I'm 51, and I've NEVER been on a horse !


Running the risk of some side-splitting retorts ("I've never been into space ! Ha ha !") are there any mundane, everyday things you've never done ?


(As I'm writing this, the good Lady BB tells me that her sister has never been on a train ! :icon_eek: )

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I really want to go to the Spanish coursing event they have in jan,,,a bit like our old Waterloo cup...


But of course this ain't really an everyday thing bb is talking about....

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also, ive never broken a bone in my body, "officially" anyway, ive had some knocks a bangs that have never healed properly so maybe i have? im not really one for hospitals lol

Lol...your not missing anything mate,,,it hurts like hell breaking a bone,,,well a big bone anyway,,broke both my arms at different times,,,feck me it smarts a tad,,,lol


Broke a few fingers at different times,,,that's not to bad,,,

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Never played in a band........despite playing guitar for 15 years


Never been to lakeside.........despite being from Essex


Never shot any game.........despite being a shotgun owner for 15 years

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Never played in a band........despite playing guitar for 15 years


Never been to lakeside.........despite being from Essex


Never shot any game.........despite being a shotgun owner for 15 years

Where have you been all your life, mate ? :laugh:

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