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Isis Beheading

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Well this speach made this bird become wank material for me .  

DB, I agree with you on the radicalisation point but not on why do we target radicalised Muslims as a priority. Military trained Jews aren't threatening to bomb UK tube stations and shopping centers.

This is ridiculous.   Ask a perfectly normal question, get no answer.   Right. So if history reflects on today's society then that society has learned bugger all from what has gone before. We lear

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While I only have limited sympathy for people who choose to go to these places then wonder why it's all gone wrong, they are civilians and shouldn't be dragged into it.


These heathens like to bleat when any of their civilians get hurt as collateral damage (normally after they have used them as human shields), yet they specifically target western civilians.


Do they really think that kidnapping and killing a US citizen is more likely to get the US to cowtow to their pathetic demands or less likely? Brainwashed idiots.

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  On 20/08/2014 at 08:51, desertbred said:

Before I am accussed of keeping quiet as the Token THL Muslim. This guy did not deserve to have his head severed for doing what? reporting in a newspaper. it cannot be condoned or supported. As for some of the bollocks and knee jerk reactive comments I am now reading on here its a good job I am thick skinned or it would hurt me. As for Sgt Al Blackman he was jailed by a court for over stepping his mandate you either have rules or not , if the terrorists dont fight by the rules then no one else needs to nothintg flowery about war.

he was jailed as an appeasement for some deal or other, a big issue was made of the Geneva convention but the Taliban had not signed up to convention, the full footage also cast doubts as to weather the insurgent was even still alive at the point he was shot, the man is a hero not a criminal, you can not fight a dirty war and not expect to get dirty unless your a politician sipping babychams whilst sending another load of good lads into harms way for your own political gains.

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  On 20/08/2014 at 09:01, tatsblisters said:

It will definatly have the impact they are craveing those britons who have joined this murderouse group should not be allowed back in this country and if they are should be put to death if its proved any involvement with this group.


It's a f***ing embarassment! First that white widow bitch in Kenya and now these British IS fighters..........

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  On 20/08/2014 at 08:51, desertbred said:

Before I am accussed of keeping quiet as the Token THL Muslim. This guy did not deserve to have his head severed for doing what? reporting in a newspaper. it cannot be condoned or supported. As for some of the bollocks and knee jerk reactive comments I am now reading on here its a good job I am thick skinned or it would hurt me. As for Sgt Al Blackman he was jailed by a court for over stepping his mandate you either have rules or not , if the terrorists dont fight by the rules then no one else needs to nothintg flowery about war.

in the uk capital punishment was abolished because we are civilised , what ever the crime was committed . so reading of such barbaric acts as this will stir any civilised person. So people who want act in this manner , have no place in our society so they should be removed from it exterminated like vermin they are :yes:

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  On 20/08/2014 at 09:12, Born Hunter said:


  On 20/08/2014 at 09:01, tatsblisters said:

It will definatly have the impact they are craveing those britons who have joined this murderouse group should not be allowed back in this country and if they are should be put to death if its proved any involvement with this group.


It's a f***ing embarassment! First that white widow bitch in Kenya and now these British IS fighters..........


True but i and meny others dont class these dreggs as britons.

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  On 20/08/2014 at 09:09, paulus said:


  On 20/08/2014 at 08:51, desertbred said:

Before I am accussed of keeping quiet as the Token THL Muslim. This guy did not deserve to have his head severed for doing what? reporting in a newspaper. it cannot be condoned or supported. As for some of the bollocks and knee jerk reactive comments I am now reading on here its a good job I am thick skinned or it would hurt me. As for Sgt Al Blackman he was jailed by a court for over stepping his mandate you either have rules or not , if the terrorists dont fight by the rules then no one else needs to nothintg flowery about war.

he was jailed as an appeasement for some deal or other, a big issue was made of the Geneva convention but the Taliban had not signed up to convention, the full footage also cast doubts as to weather the insurgent was even still alive at the point he was shot, the man is a hero not a criminal, you can not fight a dirty war and not expect to get dirty unless your a politician sipping babychams whilst sending another load of good lads into harms way for your own political gains.


Geneva convention only operates in front of the cameras Isreal incidently hasnt signed it niether or the nuclear proliferation treaty but thats by the by, The point about the footatge as to the fact if the insurgent was alive or dead when he was shot is it the norm to shoot dead bodies? the double tap is a recognised termination not to kill dead bodies. The political angle and deals of appeasement may well be correct but are all conflicts not politically motivated in one way or another. Same time people calling for escalation and retribution remember its a reality that you go into a sewer expect to get dirty.

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Just to point out, his Court Martial wasn't over the Geneva Convention. Despite the fact he believed he had broken it, he hadn't and the prosecution did not use it. I believe he was tried simply for murder under British law, which in itself is f***ing farcical!


As desert has said, he was doing a dirty job in a dirty environment.

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They knew when they took sadam down they were creating a void, for these idiots to step into, in a way we have some blame for it,the only way to fight these idiots is to use there own rules and standards, and give them there own medicine,as for them going from England to fight for isis, send there families with them,its time for all nations to expel violent and antagonistic religions, out of there countries back to the slums from which they came,

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  On 20/08/2014 at 09:27, 3175darren said:

They knew when they took sadam down they were creating a void, for these idiots to step into, in a way we have some blame for it,the only way to fight these idiots is to use there own rules and standards, and give them there own medicine,as for them going from England to fight for isis, send there families with them,its time for all nations to expel violent and antagonistic religions, out of there countries back to the slums from which they came,

yeh and when they go they don't come back in here, they should use finger print system , that way they carnt use dodgy passports to get back in , as they come back kill maim once back in . :yes:

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I don't think the govment is stupid greedy but not stupid. With the likes of anjem ect surely if they really wanted they could have him gone? Maybe they want him here causing tensions. It makes aload of people hate Muslims then muslims latch onto him and think his right they are all against us. Saying that I hope I don't sound like some lefty lol. I just think there is a bigger picture to things than were being shown.


Did America not know about isis before it grew to the size and power it's at now? Can't imagine them not having spy's and whatever else. Reckon once the oil runs out these sort of problems will just be nuked? Those 500 brits are brainwashed c**ts and should be killed no question about it.

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  On 20/08/2014 at 08:51, desertbred said:

Before I am accussed of keeping quiet as the Token THL Muslim. This guy did not deserve to have his head severed for doing what? reporting in a newspaper. it cannot be condoned or supported. As for some of the bollocks and knee jerk reactive comments I am now reading on here its a good job I am thick skinned or it would hurt me. As for Sgt Al Blackman he was jailed by a court for over stepping his mandate you either have rules or not , if the terrorists dont fight by the rules then no one else needs to nothintg flowery about war.

aye look at you sticking your kneb in where its not wanted lolol, you are right desertbred, the rules of war is, there is no rules

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