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Isis Beheading

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Guest ragumup

Koran 8.12 - " I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelievers .Therefore STRIKE OFF THEIR HEADS and strike off every fingertip of them" .


NO reasonable person would interpret this as a spiritual struggle ?

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Well this speach made this bird become wank material for me .  

DB, I agree with you on the radicalisation point but not on why do we target radicalised Muslims as a priority. Military trained Jews aren't threatening to bomb UK tube stations and shopping centers.

This is ridiculous.   Ask a perfectly normal question, get no answer.   Right. So if history reflects on today's society then that society has learned bugger all from what has gone before. We lear

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Guest ragumup

Koran 3.28 "Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Those whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourself against them, taking (as it were) security.


This verse refers to deceit (Taqiyya ) when out numbered .


Ibn Kathir - one of Islam's greatest scholars comments "In this case, believers are allowed to show friendship outwardly but never inwardly" .


Abu Darda - one of Mohammad's companions put it this way. "We smile in the faces of some people although our hearts curse them"


Al-hasan one of Mohammad's companions said "Taqiyya is allowed until the day of resurrection "

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who the f**k does he think he is Rambo in Afghanistan typical gung ho f***ing yank.. You organise small units of SF equip them well put them on the ground to operate as black ops units and take out ISIL where ever you find them and no surrenders the G/ convention should stay in the draw.Ideal SAS and Boat crew, and a few irani Special ops are already on the ground they took 30 ISIL out today in a Masjid this shows how serious some Muslims take these c**ts

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Qran 3_28 does not mean anything of the sort and Taqiya is not anything to do with purported friendship. Taqiya is self preservation in times pf extreme danger just as any one else has methods of self preservation Did Judas Iscariat in the Bible practice Taqiya when he denied Jesus 3 times ?you are a distorter of facts in fact you are a liar

Edited by desertbred
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I am spot on trust me , it is you who deceiving (taqiyya) lol

Have you ever been caught poaching did you say yes officer I was poaching even though you ddidnt see me and by the way my mates are all hiding in the next Dyke you are a wally

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if muslims main enemyis the jews why aren't they attacking israel? in my opinion isis are a mossad front to destabilise the middle east the only people who are benefitting from isis is israel, splitting up syria and iraq 2 states who are anti zionist

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If the west kept their noses out it wouldn't be long but the jews have the nuke and a nuke going off near the oil wells of the middle east might make a bit of a big bang :laugh: and the jews would use it no probs :yes: .Sounds a better plan than they have though ;) and a world with no jews or mental muslims would be a tad more peacefull. :victory: man..

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Are they really doing all this shit just because they want to live under sharia law? Guessing lack of education and brainwashing from young out there for them to think this sort of things ok. Can see how they brainwash their own children, defiantly have a completly different morals compare to the west.

If the US bomb the f**k out of them will it solve the problem or will a few innocent people dying bring out support for isis? Got to think these extremists are breeding and having kids so the numbers in the future are only going to multiply. Not saying to go and kill kids but the country needs something in place to stop a next generation. Once oil has been and gone will this sort of shit just be a simple nuke for the US?


As for the two girls being held. It's terrible of course but I got to ask wtf are you doing to let your kids go to a country like that. Going to help with aid and stuff. Ffs do they not have common sense? Think the same thing when I see posh white girls go to Africa and actually think they are going to help change things. Charity starts at home.


As for nige wanting to take away their passports. f**k me is that not just common sense? No way should anyone who's been proven to be in the country be allowed back here. I'd go one further and anyone currently in prison for terrorist charges will be flown out to their lovely Islamic state and they can stay there. I'd also round up the likes of anjem chaudary and drop his arse there too. f**k the human rights what about the rights of the people who want to live in peace.

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