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and us" Muslims" think you treat your women badly



In what way ?


I will reverse your question do you think European and British women have equality with males in your society? and I mean in reality not on paper.


Where do I start ? British women are allowed to vote, drive, travel without the permission of a male relative,go out in public dressed as THEY want, not as their husband/father/brother wants. They are equals in government, the legislure and the judiciary. They are equal in the eyes of the law as far as inheritance, divorce, etc is concerned. They have the same rights to a fair share in a will as their brothers, one woman witness is equal to one male witness, they have equal divorce rights, I could go on and on, but this list should suffice to answer your question.


Equality in the judiciary what is the percentage of women and male judges so the point is wrong. Pay in lots of area is not equal for male and females. Domestic violence in UK is much higher than in a muslim society. Even in Uk where Muslim women would have access to divorce the divorce rate for english women is much higher percentage wise. Most muslim girls in Muslim countries in Europe and in the West in general still choose to get married rather than cohabit as 50% of western girls choose to do what is the illigitimate birth rate in comparable communities even under 16 unmarried birth rates are higher in Uk than any European country think that more thann adequately answers your points


I wasnt asking you to answer my points, I was giving a reply to YOUR question. Every point I gave is a "freedom", "right", whatever you wish to call it, that is available to western women, and NOT available to muslim women.


my wife drives here and in Iran and Pakistan only Sauds dont permit driving but a woman can fly a plane. In islamic court a wife can divorce not as easily as a male but can under Shariat. m y wealth and my wifes wealth are part of an extended family wealth so we get apportioned according to our particular household requirement.. inheritance is bases on a 1/3rd or 1/6th share which is a way that was devised as most girls on marriage go to live in the house of the husband or his family so her education if any he welfare have been paid for by the family most girls are house wives so that is there contribution to the family. Western and Eastern social and welfare issue are totally different so most cannot be compared

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Well this speach made this bird become wank material for me .  

DB, I agree with you on the radicalisation point but not on why do we target radicalised Muslims as a priority. Military trained Jews aren't threatening to bomb UK tube stations and shopping centers.

This is ridiculous.   Ask a perfectly normal question, get no answer.   Right. So if history reflects on today's society then that society has learned bugger all from what has gone before. We lear

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and us" Muslims" think you treat your women badly



In what way ?


I will reverse your question do you think European and British women have equality with males in your society? and I mean in reality not on paper.



Why would you answer a question with a question ?.....it wasnt a trick question mate i feel no need to justify British ways..........im merely asking you a question on a statement you made thats all ?


the statement I made was a rhetorical response to Tomo when he said westeners think we treat women badly or do you also only read the bits you want?

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I have no issues with any religion anyone wishes to follow, however when the followers of a religion try to forcibly convert the rest of the world to follow it, then i do have some serious objections. If Muslims want to stop their females from learning then so be it, if they don't want their followers drinking then great, I would gladly see the ones in the pubs around here drinking beer get barred. To me all Muslims in their hearts see us as godless heathens, no matter how much they smile to your face. This is a religion that is attacking the world on two fronts, firstly with arms and secondly by educating themselves so that they can integrate and change society by getting into positions of power.

And before DB dusts of the "That's what the Christians and Catholics did", be assured I would have the same views on them.

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I have no issues with any religion anyone wishes to follow, however when the followers of a religion try to forcibly convert the rest of the world to follow it, then i do have some serious objections. If Muslims want to stop their females from learning then so be it, if they don't want their followers drinking then great, I would gladly see the ones in the pubs around here drinking beer get barred. To me all Muslims in their hearts see us as godless heathens, no matter how much they smile to your face. This is a religion that is attacking the world on two fronts, firstly with arms and secondly by educating themselves so that they can integrate and change society by getting into positions of power.

And before DB dusts of the "That's what the Christians and Catholics did", be assured I would have the same views on them.

why have yo brought me into your tirade have I tried to convert you ?and I certainly have not drunk in your pub :laugh::thumbs:

Edited by desertbred
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and us" Muslims" think you treat your women badly



In what way ?


I will reverse your question do you think European and British women have equality with males in your society? and I mean in reality not on paper.



Why would you answer a question with a question ?.....it wasnt a trick question mate i feel no need to justify British ways..........im merely asking you a question on a statement you made thats all ?


the statement I made was a rhetorical response to Tomo when he said westeners think we treat women badly or do you also only read the bits you want?


I read it all......but i only ask a question on something id like explained...............i guess thats a little bit too basic for a man of your calibre ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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and us" Muslims" think you treat your women badly



In what way ?


I will reverse your question do you think European and British women have equality with males in your society? and I mean in reality not on paper.



Why would you answer a question with a question ?.....it wasnt a trick question mate i feel no need to justify British ways..........im merely asking you a question on a statement you made thats all ?


the statement I made was a rhetorical response to Tomo when he said westeners think we treat women badly or do you also only read the bits you want?


I read it all......but i only ask a question on something id like explained...............i guess thats a little bit too basic for a man of your calibre ...............If you didnt want to answer it mate you could of just ignored it ;)


nothing is to basic but why explain a rhetorical comment it is like explaining the punch line of a joke no offence meant

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Guest ragumup

So many points to cover so ill just cover a few that I can remember plus time is short...


mohammadians always start the trouble then say they have a right to defend themselves ..sunnha


We when into Afghanistan in response to 9,11 not invaded it ..


Under the sharia no non-Muslim can be in a position of authority over muslims ..fact


Mohammad actually said "I have been made victorious through terror"


The crusades were in response to muslims conquering Christian lands ...they always try to change history like Palestinians pretending Jews stole their lands, even though the Bible Tora and koran refers to Israel as the Jewish land .









When you say the koran says to violently subjugate non muslim they always respond with either ...list below.


1,The bible has violence in it ...


2, You did the crusades...


3,Islam only destroys other countries, culture, religions , in self defence ...


4."Yea" but Richard the lion heart married kids too....


5.Thats out of context but when you read it its not...


6. your a racist islamophopbic bigot...


7. Your paid by the Zionists ....



Freedom goes in civilised countries when the muslim population reaches 20% so I believe we've only got 20 to 30 years left .


France already has 10% muslim so unless La Pen forms the next government then that countries gone...IMHO

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Not a tirade mate just airing my point of view, as you do. I have not said you that you have tried to convert me. but given half a chance your brethren would. The only reason that I brought you into my post is that you have mentioned old history before, and I was highlighting that I am aware of that history. This was not a personal attack against you

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You would make a great spin doctor born.......

I think us, the little people, would be much happier as a nation, maybe even safer if we'd had absolutely no involvement in the last 10 or so years........& maybe take our chances like many other nations do, that also rely on oil......

I'm sure you have the answers mate, but I think your 'high' interest in military history, military hardware & it's use sometimes clouds your viewpoint.........not dig, just an observation


Do you seriously believe the UK and US should completely pull out of the middle east? The strait of Hormuz closes and in 3 months this country stops dead.... Anti Piracy operations end in the Indian ocean and the threat to world shipping goes which way? I've said we have made foreign policy errors, but our military presence in the middle eastern region is absolutely essential to our lives in the UK.

It's conflict I'm talking about, of course we have presence all over the world, but the direct actions we've been involved in over the last 10 years has done us no favours....or policy errors as you call them......so shall we just sweep them under the

carpet? Or learn from it.....?

LOL, do I have to answer that? LOL. Why are we even having this conversation when we agree? LOL.


My original point that you took exception to was that our military presence in the middle east is essential to our future and well being. Specific actions I've not justified.

Lol you said earlier we are justified to invade any country.......as long as the oil keeps flowing......I'm not sure we do agree mate lol

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So many points to cover so ill just cover a few that I can remember plus time is short...


mohammadians always start the trouble then say they have a right to defend themselves ..sunnha


We when into Afghanistan in response to 9,11 not invaded it ..


Under the sharia no non-Muslim can be in a position of authority over muslims ..fact


Mohammad actually said "I have been made victorious through terror"


The crusades were in response to muslims conquering Christian lands ...they always try to change history like Palestinians pretending Jews stole their lands, even though the Bible Tora and koran refers to Israel as the Jewish land .









When you say the koran says to violently subjugate non muslim they always respond with either ...list below.


1,The bible has violence in it ...


2, You did the crusades...


3,Islam only destroys other countries, culture, religions , in self defence ...


4."Yea" but Richard the lion heart married kids too....


5.Thats out of context but when you read it its not...


6. your a racist islamophopbic bigot...


7. Your paid by the Zionists ....



Freedom goes in civilised countries when the muslim population reaches 20% so I believe we've only got 20 to 30 years left .


France already has 10% muslim so unless La Pen forms the next government then that countries gone...IMHO

Christian Lands Jerusalem was there from the time of Abraham way before the Christianity you really do twist your facts the rest I can answer easily but need to take the dogs out you believe yours and I will believe mine.

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and us" Muslims" think you treat your women badly



In what way ?


I will reverse your question do you think European and British women have equality with males in your society? and I mean in reality not on paper.



Why would you answer a question with a question ?.....it wasnt a trick question mate i feel no need to justify British ways..........im merely asking you a question on a statement you made thats all ?


the statement I made was a rhetorical response to Tomo when he said westeners think we treat women badly or do you also only read the bits you want?


I read it all......but i only ask a question on something id like explained...............i guess thats a little bit too basic for a man of your calibre ...............If you didnt want to answer it mate you could of just ignored it ;)


nothing is to basic but why explain a rhetorical comment it is like explaining the punch line of a joke no offence meant



Im not the brightest bulb in the pack sometimes i do actually need the punchline of a joke explained.......but hey if your pressed for time no problem it wont keep me awake tonight ;)

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