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The End Is Nigh (?)

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We need a light-hearted thread, so here goes......................


There are so many films and TV series recently that portray the downfall of mankind in a 'post-apocalyptic landscape', where rag-tag bands of survivors struggle against insurmountable odds. You know the sort of thing - 'Revolution', 'The Walking Dead', 'The 100', to name just 3 !


So, what do you think will really bring about Man's demise?


Disease ? Food shortages ? Religious wars ? Maybe you're preparing for the zombie apocalypse ? How do you think we'll meet our end ?


(And let's not make end-of-the-world jokes like there's no tomorrow ! :laugh: )







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I'm watching the 100..... was contemplating if I was Finn, why the f**k he's after the blonde when that Raven strikes me as the one to bag. And I really think I'd of killed more people, like that bellamy fella. In fact it'd be more like The Dozen by the time I'd finished.


LOL, anyway I genuinely don't believe humans will be finished off. If we are it'll be through a world killing disaster at a time when we are too primitive to deal with it. Like a comet impact, gamma ray burst etc.

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remember Mad Max 2?


"To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time

when the world was powered by the black fuel

and the deserts sprouted great cities of pipe and steel.

Gone now swept away.

For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war

and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all.

Without fuel they were nothing. They'd built a house of straw.

The thundering machines sputtered and stopped.

Their leaders talked and talked and talked

but nothing could stem the avalanche.

Their world crumbled the cities exploded.

A whirlwind of looting

a firestorm of fear.

Men began to feed on men.

On the roads it was a white-line nightmare.

Only those mobile enough to scavenge

brutal enough to pillage would survive.

The gangs took over the highways

ready to wage war for a tank of juice.

And in this maelstrom of decay

ordinary men were battered and smashed."
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Any one used to read the 2000AD comics?,maga city one with it's resyk of humans and their bits,humans becoming ugly as the new pretty with mutating themselves,humans eating 100% processed foods designed by robots for them all happening now and so much more they showed us then :laugh: but fuel is covered with the deisel engine design as it runs on oil not derv and palm oil will cover that but i recon it'll be the lack of minerals and metals that will start the great end or we'll feck the ozone up so much with pollution we'll melt.But sure as shite the human race with it's greed and untamable desire for more will mess this amazing planet up and hopefully the ones that will by pass it all will be those meek ones who'll inherit it and they are the tribes of the world who do the planet no harm as there the ones who deserve to live on it as humans :yes: man!.. :victory:

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Probably a pandemic, with today's global travel if the Black Death had happened today and we had as much understanding of the disease as what they had then it could have wiped out most the earth.

The Spanish flu in 1918 killed nearly 100 million it's just a matter of time before a big one comes along


We're all doomed I tell ya.......doomed

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