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Tumours In Ferrets

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Hi one of my jills who is around 7/8 has developed what the vets believe to be a tumour,my vets have advised me not to operate but to give her what months she has left and put her down.. but I have seen many people where the surgery is successfully done:/ any advice if it's worth an op?


quite possible your vets advised you rightly...the operation can be enough to kill an old and unfit ferret. . . I would enjoy the time you have. as soon as the back end starts going and she,s having fits etc etc. you'll know when the time comes. . . my old mate has a ferret in his hutch that is deaf ,blind,full of lumps/tumours and is still alive a doing the odd shift below ground at the age of 11.


good luck.

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Make sure you go to a vet that is a specialist in small critters and has done plenty of these operations on ferts in the past. If you decide to go down that route.. maybe your vet isn't up to the job if he advised against it ?

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The obvious sign is a lump in the lower part of the ferrets stomach and the hair loss starts ... So if you haven't noticed the lump (but everybody should if you check your ferrets daily) then when the hair loss starts get in there and have a good feel about in the stomach ... Vin that operation is a little bit beyond me lol ... It cost me the massive price of £70 ... She will make that back in a mornings ferreting .......


I hope you did'nt use the same vet who did the Hobs vasectomy. . .heheheeeee.


show him these.

attachicon.gifjill n kits 19th Aug.jpg


:laugh: :laugh:

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Mother and kits doing well mate.. They've been sucking on meat and carcasses since they were 2 weeks old

Lovely stuff it would be worth keeping a kit or two back I reckon .........

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Is that my new Jill vin?,,,,I will come and fetch it when you have got rid of them kitts


you can have it mate... or the other one that had kits earlier and is now running on the wheel getting fitter and faster by the day.

How are the young hob and jill progressing vin?

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Excellent, glad to hear it Tomo. That hob you've got was into everything as a kit and had it not been that I had enough hobs here I'd have kept him for myself. I kept those two back for you and Vin as I knew they would get plenty of graft.

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Excellent, glad to hear it Tomo. That hob you've got was into everything as a kit and had it not been that I had enough hobs here I'd have kept him for myself. I kept those two back for you and Vin as I knew they would get plenty of graft.

I found it hard to part with that Hob Hywel .

But Tomo needed him more than I did for the pack


The Jill is a cracker and I'm certain she will fly when the time comes

I would have taken a couple if the kits today but I still think there a bit young for anything other than a little tester


It won't be long before there out and at it .


Thanks again Hywel

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Excellent, glad to hear it Tomo. That hob you've got was into everything as a kit and had it not been that I had enough hobs here I'd have kept him for myself. I kept those two back for you and Vin as I knew they would get plenty of graft.

I found it hard to part with that Hob Hywel .

But Tomo needed him more than I did for the pack


The Jill is a cracker and I'm certain she will fly when the time comes

I would have taken a couple if the kits today but I still think there a bit young for anything other than a little tester


It won't be long before there out and at it .


Thanks again Hywel


I agree with you Vin, they are still a bit young. Mine will go to ground with the experienced ferrets around November. Please let me know how they progress :thumbs:

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