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Guest Raggedstaff

Western Martial Arts, playing guitar, piano and singing in a band, reading, writing (fiction and non-fic), fishing, forging (knives mainly), drawing (pencil work).


Not enough hours in the day.



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Not enough hours in the day.



Your right there!


Dogs take up the most part, but then I squeeze in my Canaries, I also love my football and then of course Drinking :drinks:


I was also going to say my son but he tags along with all that I do (except the drinking :D ) so I get the best of ALL worlds.

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Not enough hours in the day.



Your right there!


Dogs take up the most part, but then I squeeze in my Canaries, I also love my football and then of course Drinking :drinks:


I was also going to say my son but he tags along with all that I do (except the drinking :D ) so I get the best of ALL worlds.

modifying cars and bikes, offroading, music, literature and golf

lee :thumbs:

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Apart from the dog and cleaning my Land Rover ............. I'm desperately trying to learn to fly model helicopters ............. without a doubt the most frustrating and difficult thing I've ever tried to do, like balancing a ball bearing in the middle of a tea tray while wearing roller skates, fooking nightmare! Costing me a fortune in spares!!!


Am sure it'll be worth it in the end.



What a boring twat I sound! :blink:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Rennovating my neighbours old cow shed :yes: It's great because it's only down the bottom of my compound and I've put a gate there, so I can just wander down and do a bit when ever I feel like it.


I have most of my tools down there now and I'm constantly adding to those as the jobs require them. Best of all is that I'm honing so many new skills in the process :)


I used to enjoy working in building maintanence, but I was usually knocking up or carrying for the guvvnor. Now I'm my own guvvnor and I decide what needs to be done, then find out how to do it and away I go. I've built and fitted four new doors down there. Reglazed windows. Am installing a whole new window in a hole in the wall. Repointing. Rendering. Even ripped off and replaced an entire smaller roof on the side shed where I stable my donkey.


What I find amazing is how, as ye grow older and have simply seen so much being done, so many things just come naturally. Thus, where as half a life time ago I'd have shit myself at the prospect of ripping out and replacing a roof, with it's joists and so forth, I now just looked up and thought; " Right. I'll need to cut a bit out of there. Muck that in there. Sort those wall plates out ..... " And then got on and simply did it without a hitch! I'm now quite confident in my own abilities to carry out just about what ever work I decide needs doing down there. Wiring it for power I'll need some help with, naturally. But that'll probably only ammount to connecting the stuff I install to my cottages main circuit! ;)


Thing is; I can't even Begin to express the Satisfaction I'm gaining from all this! It's the knowing that most of my work will outlast me and just having local people see what I'm doing and comment what a good job I'm making of it all. I'm changing nothing. Simply replacing the rotten with fresh and repainting the long neglected. All in Traditional manner. Breathing life back into what was nearly ready to collapse into ruin and final decay, due to abandonment and neglect.


Fact is, I had the lady who was raised here, untill fifty years ago, come by recently. One small but touching highlight, as I showed her round the shed, was when she said, " And we had a little gateway there ..... Oh! There it is! " Little realising that Her gate had long since rotted off its hinges. She was looking at a gate barely three months old. But seeing exactly what she remembered from her younger days. Priceless!

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Being a Dad/Husband unlike other people i quite enjoy it. :thumbs:

Fishing and Fly tying, but i count them both as hunting related activities.

I play rugby for a local club (2nd Xv and veterans only now!), also watch a bit of rugby, passionate and one eyed supporter of Glamorgan County Cricket Club, although the one eye has been shut the last two years! :icon_redface::whistling: I enjoy reading, and a bit of fun/fitness mountain biking.



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Do a lot of repair and restoration of gun stocks, something I got into in the last 5 or 6 years.


Wood carving, 'though that loses out to the gun work these days, guitar when the mood takes me, training the pup, lot of reading too.

Used to do a lot of taekwondo, karate and some boxing, but got totally fed up with it, haven't done anything like that in 12 years I reckon.

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