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One flew over the cuckoos nest.

That's the one mate, I remember it being a good film.

Is that the one where he fights the chain ape ? Bosun

Yes Steve and i'd betcha that was where Plummer got that chapter from in the Nathan book. Though from the original Jock book, not the film. This film is much more accurate to the book, right down to Jock's docked tail.


To be honest, I ain't seen it myself for years (I think because of it's content, they cleaned the tale up by making another film!) but I remember it being far far better than the sterilized version....

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So let me get this right.....the clip Bosun posted is the " original ".....and the clips Darbo posted is not....is that right ?.......if so is the complete original available either on the internet or on dvd ?.....I remember the book floating around years ago and skipped through the odd page so would like to see the whole film in its original form.

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So let me get this right.....the clip Bosun posted is the " original ".....and the clips Darbo posted is not....is that right ?.......if so is the complete original available either on the internet or on dvd ?.....I remember the book floating around years ago and skipped through the odd page so would like to see the whole film in its original form.


'Original' is what I've found Gnash, there may be another, earlier but I can't find one. I think that one was made in S.A. in the 80's.


I did a Google search and I think Amazon may have it.

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