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A Question To The Coursing Lads ???

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I Just happen to stumble upon a post about coursing and the pre season prep was mentioned which set the old grey matter working.


Obviously in certain parts of the world hare coursing is still legal which leads to my question without bring anyone into Ill repute.


Anyone Run There coursing dogs with a Tracking collar on ??? If so what is the average distance a dog in this type of work is doing. during a day???( Not in the back of a motor )

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If a dog IS running at 25mph for 3.5 minutes it will cover l.5 miles.


At 35mph for 3.5 minutes it will do about 2.2 miles.

I think LOL


Thats what it works out Mathematically and not all Courses are 3.5 minutes long,but If You was to use it as a ruff estimate, and say the dog might run five in an afternoon, it will cover about 7.5 miles.

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