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Rabbit Vs .22-250

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Yep I do agree...personally I think its a waste on rabbits and anything edible as well.

I have never actually gone out specifically after rabbits with CF, and my rabbit work is Pest Control, any thoughts about meat are secondary, just the same I don't know anyone who goes out with the intention of making a serious mess of their quarry!


The end result on a rabbit/etc can vary considerably and it is quite rare they are actually destroyed in such a total way, cf can commonly make very little mess of some wildlife.


I hit a rabbit at around 200 yards with my .308 150g SP and it simply made a neat hole right through it, no destruction whatsoever. It will all depend on a lot of factors, calibre/ammo type/quarry type/contact point/direction of travel/distance/etc as to the end result.


That of course is entirely different to any policy to keep the site clear of too graphic images!



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Yes absolutely deker but its not what it is my friend it's what it looks like and I think these things can be twisted and used against us is what is the main concern, I don't believe most of the people on here specifically hunt small game with CF but I have met a few personally and its not in our favour just for the humour of turning something into a bloody pulp although it does happen sometimes.

Edited by celticrusader
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Sorry lads for any confusion, the reason certain images are removed, is basically were trying not to portray what we do in a bad light, certain images can be a bit too graphic and shouldn't really be shown, or for example a fox/rabbit badly damaged from the likes of a ballistic round, we know the mess they make, personally I'd turn it on its good side, when there's not much left it's not too easy to do. A small minority will use anything they can against us, we're just looking out for everyone and the sport, as I say it's nothing personal against any member ..

Sensible approach, shame it has to take admin to think about it.

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