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Stupidest Thing You Ever Did

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Probably in a nightclub in the 80s having a slow dance with a girl anyway I farted and followed through and properly shit myself , I reckon I had a bug and several pints of lager didn't help . The loo

I wouldnt recommend it lab, the injuries were horrific, skull broke in a v shape right on the baby soft spot, top teeth went into my bottom lip, discs in my spine were all compressed, in hospital for

Went to check the birds in the rearing field one morning and my grandads f***ing sheep had knocked a gas bottle over. I opened the shed door and the birds were all huddled in the middle with obviously

Too many to list.......certainly wouldnt fancy going into detail as most were years ago while chasing money :icon_redface: ....but of the lighter hearted ones,thinking i was the biggest toughest " made of steel " teenager in London running alone full pelt into 12 Millwall fans and spending the next 3 weeks in Lewisham General Hospital probably wasnt one of my better decisions :D .......also as a teenager,getting from one side of Regents Park Canal to the other for a bet knowing i couldnt swim was pretty stupid even for me !

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  On 16/08/2014 at 21:06, maxhardcore said:
maxhardcore, on 16 Aug 2014 - 10:06 PM, said:

That wasn't Friday morn when you were walking up past ressy and quarry heading towards Hart was it :)


I was up that way Thurs :tongue2:

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I remember me and my uncle digging a back garden up for an old lass every morning we'd take the clothes line down well after 2 weeks of this job we was fed up of seeing it me uncle picks up the pick and lifting it over his head says "we're gonna make this job f**k today" as he brings it down it hits the the clothes line (witch we forgot to put down that day) I cN still remember him stook on the spot hands empty looking left and right then finally looking up just as the taj hit him right on the nose lol it ko"d him and the job lasted another week lol

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Mostly the she beasts I used to wake up to on a Saturday morning! Man I had literally one requirement after a few beers and that was that they had a pulse , going at it with a heffa of a woman one night and chundered all over her , safe to say she didn't let me stay after that!

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  On 16/08/2014 at 21:00, RubyTex said:

Swimming out in the north sea to rescue my dog stuck in front of a massive storm drain. Daft!!!!

Fuuck mate reminded me of two things that did..... When I was 8 or 9 me and my mate took my little brother in the pram onto a frozen lake and started pushing the bugger like a bowling ball to see who could push him closest to the other side lol we both got a proper feckin twatting for that one and I still have nightmares to this day. The second was I jumped into a frozen canal to save my staff who fell through the ice that was scary comming back up with the dog in my hand and realizing I was under the ice and not at the hole.
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  On 16/08/2014 at 21:00, RubyTex said:

Swimming out in the north sea to rescue my dog stuck in front of a massive storm drain. Daft!!!!

Fuuck mate reminded me of two things that did..... When I was 8 or 9 me and my mate took my little brother in the pram onto a frozen lake and started pushing the bugger like a bowling ball to see who could push him closest to the other side lol we both got a proper feckin twatting for that one and I still have nightmares to this day. The second was I jumped into a frozen canal to save my staff who fell through the ice that was scary comming back up with the dog in my hand and realizing I was under the ice and not at the hole.
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  On 16/08/2014 at 21:00, RubyTex said:

Swimming out in the north sea to rescue my dog stuck in front of a massive storm drain. Daft!!!!

Fuuck mate reminded me of two things that did..... When I was 8 or 9 me and my mate took my little brother in the pram onto a frozen lake and started pushing the bugger like a bowling ball to see who could push him closest to the other side lol we both got a proper feckin twatting for that one and I still have nightmares to this day. The second was I jumped into a frozen canal to save my staff who fell through the ice that was scary comming back up with the dog in my hand and realizing I was under the ice and not at the hole.
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once went lamping after a afternoon on the ale the one and only time and it wasnt planned when we got there after about a hour the lamp started playing up so i offered to get another out the car so rather than walk round i decided to go down this big steep hill with battery and lamp i started with a slow jog down hill but i started going faster and faster before long i was like usain bolt and i couldnt stop legs going ten to the dozen when all of a sudden my feet went from under me i went right up in the air landed on the battery it was one of them big heavy basterds things in a black plastic box ended up in a heap winded i cracked a rib twisted ankle and bust my lamp when i managed to get up i could hear them cnuts howling with laughter

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lets just say took 8 strong illegal tabs in about 5 minutes and ended up in hospital (that's f***ing stupid) :yes:


anyhoo me and mates on the normal weekend antics while pissed, (always ended up messy) at a house party one night. had one of those fans on the ceiling, so on it went at full speed and the kitchen knives began to be thrown into fan. like a f****d up game of Russian roulette with knives. couldn't stop laughing at the time. a room full of people trying to get out the way of a speeding knife. and everyone thinking this was fun :blink: had to have a chat with meself the next morning. that was only one night of thousands :laugh:


some good yarns on here so far

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Here's something really stupid when I look back...


Our local disused quarry had some real deep water holes. In the winter when they freezed over we used to go play on them..(daft enough)....anyway we would play on it and one day while playing Man Hunt( kind of chase game) me and a mate thought it would be funny to break a section of ice, then get the guy chasing us to fall in. Well he did and very near went under. Crazy!!!

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When I was 10 I was at my sister's wedding proud as fcuk sitting at the top table. Went for a wizz came back and the parish priest was sitting in me seat. A conversation ensued about him moving which didn't go my way. I lost my temper and threw a left but was grabbed before it landed....

So stupid mistake was talking before striking, should have just smacked him straight off. He was a horrible kunt and when he died I was fcuking delighted and had some pints.

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