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Whats The Most Peaceful Religion?

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yeah I know about the Israeli anti missile system, but I didn't know they gave warning. I know hamas are ruthless and need to be stopped but they are no match for Israel's armed forces.America and britian could handle that situation a lot better I think

Moral ? Don't pick a fight when you have no chance of winning ..................


from what i can make out, it was never about winning but lifting the blockade on Gazza but firing rockets into Israel will only ever get one response


You're right Paul - Israel's response to violence has always been swift and non - compromising. They say they are prepared to discuss the lifting of the blockade , as part of wider peace negotiations, BUT all rocket attacks must stop, before talks can begin.("We will never negotiate while we are under fire"). Hamas want the blockade lifted, Gaza port and the israeli border opened before they will sit down, yet make no commitment to stop rocket attacks - in my opinion, a hopeless and ludicrously unrealistic stance.


All of the recent cease - fires ( 9 or 10 at least) have been broken by Hamas, which, of course, leaves the Israelis with no wriggle room (like the official diplomatic phraseology ?) - Hamas is in no position to make demands !

Edited by Blackbriar
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yeah I know about the Israeli anti missile system, but I didn't know they gave warning. I know hamas are ruthless and need to be stopped but they are no match for Israel's armed forces.America and britian could handle that situation a lot better I think

Moral ? Don't pick a fight when you have no chance of winning ..................


from what i can make out, it was never about winning but lifting the blockade on Gazza but firing rockets into Israel will only ever get one response


You're right Paul - Israel's response to violence has always been swift and non - compromising. They say they are prepared to discuss the lifting of the blockade , as part of wider peace negotiations, BUT all rocket attacks must stop, before talks can begin.("We will never negotiate while we are under fire"). Hamas want the blockade lifted, Gaza port and the israeli border opened before they will sit down, yet make no commitment to stop rocket attacks - in my opinion, a hopeless and ludicrously unrealistic stance.


All of the recent cease - fires ( 9 or 10 at least) have been broken by Hamas, which, of course, leaves the Israelis with no wriggle room (like the official diplomatic phraseology ?) - Hamas is in no position to make demands !


Hamas has the problem now that if they stop the rockets they will be seen as bowing to Israel`s demands by the rest of the Arabs world, the world is building for something big and it looks almost inevitable the way the cards are being played on the world table,

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i do think we had a hand in the creation of the Taliban in our efforts to hurt Russia after all we did arm and train the mujahideen that then went on to become the Taliban after the Russians left. but that leaves the question of Africa and the rise of groups like boko haram,

Boka Haram are an of shoot of Al Quaeda many religious/ Tribal groups in Africa were infiltrated by Al Quaeda such as Somali forces and pirates they have no great affinity with religion it is money and the poverty that motivates them much the Same as the forces of General Farah. Adid.. The Mujahadim were financed by the CIA through the ISI of General Zia Ul Haq of Pakistan to halt the progress of USSR who were intent on getting access to the warm waters of the Persian gulf for their naval fleet which gets ice bound in the Russian winters. When USSR were defeated by the Afghani,s America then dropped the Mujahadim like a hot potatoe and left 30 year war veterans with no way of financial support oter than to use the skills they had killing and use of weapons thus the Taliban came into being and fell into the clutches of the Wr lords of Aftghanistan and Uzbekistan who then got vast sums of money from the Sauds and Alquaeda to destabalise the entire re. now the remnants of Taliban Alquaeda and other extreamist groups have now joined forces and formed ISIS who basically are intent on establishing their own Dictatorship using Islam as a cover they are no more islamic than Salman Rushdie

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i do think we had a hand in the creation of the Taliban in our efforts to hurt Russia after all we did arm and train the mujahideen that then went on to become the Taliban after the Russians left. but that leaves the question of Africa and the rise of groups like boko haram,

Boka Haram are an of shoot of Al Quaeda many religious/ Tribal groups in Africa were infiltrated by Al Quaeda such as Somali forces and pirates they have no great affinity with religion it is money and the poverty that motivates them much the Same as the forces of General Farah. Adid.. The Mujahadim were financed by the CIA through the ISI of General Zia Ul Haq of Pakistan to halt the progress of USSR who were intent on getting access to the warm waters of the Persian gulf for their naval fleet which gets ice bound in the Russian winters. When USSR were defeated by the Afghani,s America then dropped the Mujahadim like a hot potatoe and left 30 year war veterans with no way of financial support oter than to use the skills they had killing and use of weapons thus the Taliban came into being and fell into the clutches of the Wr lords of Aftghanistan and Uzbekistan who then got vast sums of money from the Sauds and Alquaeda to destabalise the entire re. now the remnants of Taliban Alquaeda and other extreamist groups have now joined forces and formed ISIS who basically are intent on establishing their own Dictatorship using Islam as a cover they are no more islamic than Salman Rushdie


We have had our differences in the past but my only beef as ever been with extremism not Islam in general and i am still true to that, but the more deeply you look it the more things start to unravel and fall apart and religion is being used as a cover to disguise what is really happening, perhaps icke is onto something with his belief that ISIS was created out of a pact between Israel and the USA to destabilise the region enough with enough atrocities reported to turn the public opinion back home and in Europe so another war can be orchestrated. who knows for sure, them men in suites hey,

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yeah I know about the Israeli anti missile system, but I didn't know they gave warning. I know hamas are ruthless and need to be stopped but they are no match for Israel's armed forces.America and britian could handle that situation a lot better I think

Moral ? Don't pick a fight when you have no chance of winning ..................


from what i can make out, it was never about winning but lifting the blockade on Gazza but firing rockets into Israel will only ever get one response


You're right Paul - Israel's response to violence has always been swift and non - compromising. They say they are prepared to discuss the lifting of the blockade , as part of wider peace negotiations, BUT all rocket attacks must stop, before talks can begin.("We will never negotiate while we are under fire"). Hamas want the blockade lifted, Gaza port and the israeli border opened before they will sit down, yet make no commitment to stop rocket attacks - in my opinion, a hopeless and ludicrously unrealistic stance.


All of the recent cease - fires ( 9 or 10 at least) have been broken by Hamas, which, of course, leaves the Israelis with no wriggle room (like the official diplomatic phraseology ?) - Hamas is in no position to make demands !


Hamas has the problem now that if they stop the rockets they will be seen as bowing to Israel`s demands by the rest of the Arabs world, the world is building for something big and it looks almost inevitable the way the cards are being played on the world table,


Sadly, you're probably right, Paul. Israel is surrounded by it's enemies on all sides, and history tells us that cease - fires in the region are simply a temporary exercise in papering over the cracks. The Jihadi's seem to be increasing their influence on an alarming scale, conflict following hard on their heels

. The Russians will continue supporting President Assad in Syria, the Americans will continue to equip the Israels, we are being sucked into backing the Kurds against IS, while the fight against al - Shabab and Boko Haram seems to be falling onto the French (!) - difficult to see how it can possibly end well !


I reckon it's just a matter of how far to the tipping point ?

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yeah I know about the Israeli anti missile system, but I didn't know they gave warning. I know hamas are ruthless and need to be stopped but they are no match for Israel's armed forces.America and britian could handle that situation a lot better I think

Moral ? Don't pick a fight when you have no chance of winning ..................


from what i can make out, it was never about winning but lifting the blockade on Gazza but firing rockets into Israel will only ever get one response


You're right Paul - Israel's response to violence has always been swift and non - compromising. They say they are prepared to discuss the lifting of the blockade , as part of wider peace negotiations, BUT all rocket attacks must stop, before talks can begin.("We will never negotiate while we are under fire"). Hamas want the blockade lifted, Gaza port and the israeli border opened before they will sit down, yet make no commitment to stop rocket attacks - in my opinion, a hopeless and ludicrously unrealistic stance.


All of the recent cease - fires ( 9 or 10 at least) have been broken by Hamas, which, of course, leaves the Israelis with no wriggle room (like the official diplomatic phraseology ?) - Hamas is in no position to make demands !


Hamas has the problem now that if they stop the rockets they will be seen as bowing to Israel`s demands by the rest of the Arabs world, the world is building for something big and it looks almost inevitable the way the cards are being played on the world table,


Sadly, you're probably right, Paul. Israel is surrounded by it's enemies on all sides, and history tells us that cease - fires in the region are simply a temporary exercise in papering over the cracks. The Jihadi's seem to be increasing their influence on an alarming scale, conflict following hard on their heels

. The Russians will continue supporting President Assad in Syria, the Americans will continue to equip the Israels, we are being sucked into backing the Kurds against IS, while the fight against al - Shabab and Boko Haram seems to be falling onto the French (!) - difficult to see how it can possibly end well !


I reckon it's just a matter of how far to the tipping point ?


you forget the Chinese have also invested heavily in north Africa and will want to protect that investment

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Oh 5hit !I'd forgotten about them slitty - eyed little ba5tards ! :icon_eek:








And the North Koreans !


And the Pakistanis !


And the Iranians !


And the Germans ! (you never know, they might change their minds !) :laugh:

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you forget the Chinese have also invested heavily in north Africa and will want to protect that investment



Christ that'd be a laugh, the Chinese Military actually doing something.


But seriously they have ramped up the defence budget and are now getting brave enough to enforce a bit of hard power. They're closing the power gap....

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Guest ragumup

Somalia's are muslims following mohammad's sunna pure and simple, the quran&hadiths full of deception and force, fact.

If Israel lifts the blockade hamas will just restock with rockets

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it will all end in tears and a couple of elastoplasts wont cover it :laugh:

You can't just make apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow ! :tongue2:


until we learn to play nice might as well have a laugh as theres cock all we can do about it :laugh:

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Somalia's are muslims following mohammad's sunna pure and simple, the quran&hadiths full of deception and force, fact.

If Israel lifts the blockade hamas will just restock with rockets

so your a scholar on islam and sunnah the isrealis are stocked on a daily basis by western governments so thats ok then you are a divvy

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rake your wrong again buddy


What about ? Why am I wrong and another person is right. ? There are multiple strains and tennets of Buddhism, some consider themselves a religion, others don`t .


What do you think ? Buddhists don`t worship a god, so are they a religion, Brian.?



And please don`t try and kid me you know anything about Buddhism.

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