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Airgun Law Petition

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Although I have e-signed this petition and confirmed my email address the petition still only shows the same 28 signatures it did before I signed it.


Is this another example of a poor government website or could it be a conspiracy to make everyone believe that no one is signing it lol

Edited by ShootistUK
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This is all well and good, but the legislation specifically states that the power limit is relevant for "any projectile". If HO guidance came out suggesting a pellet, it would not be binding on any particular force (trust me, some firearms licencing departments routinely ignore, or (apparently) wilfully misunderstand the existing HO guidance) so there is the risk that in one force area you are ok, in another they can decide to use a different pellet and you might be over. As such, the suggestion really isn't all that helpful.

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when it was written, its was simple enough, super heavey pellets werent going to bust the bank because the velosity would also be super slow, so the fp's should in theory add up.. however, with 50 year of scienctific and industry changes, suerly a little upgrade amendent is in order?


its obvious theyre not up to doing much so maybe employ some who will actualy do the job as aposed to siting back and raking in money for nothing...just a thought like.



even some thing as simple as ''this new pellet is an fac pellet only'' (some one could charge 14 million pound and actually type a few words after it, something like 'only on sale to fac holders'..but tis a lotta words and ooooooo so dificult..ffffff)....feck!!!!!! that took 22 years of bulshit to come too! not!!

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