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dog re-homing centre

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hello new to this site hope you get the dog back i think these dog homes take the mick with the prices they charge for a dog and the things you have to do to get one is a joke.

well it depends how you look at it .if this dog was your pride and joy and it ended up getting lost and on the street then picked up by the dog warden.it would then end up back at the council stray kennels(death row)if it is of nice temperement then hopefully a rescue centre would get it if the owner does not claim it in 7 days.now the rescue centre does not know this dog s background so has to give it its jabs jab it for kennel cough flea and worm it and then neuter .all in all about 150 -200 quid of vet bills .so therefore 75 -100 quid is a small price to pay.as for the vetting policy-well speaks for itself really would you want your dog to go into a home and be mistreated .some centres are slightly ott but it is in the interest of the animal.some situations are not brilliant for the field sports fraternity though as most dont let dogs live outdoors or work but that is not hard to get round really just say its livin indoors .when it comes down to it rescue centres need their funding from somewhere and they do look after a lot of dogs the best they can.ditch shitter has rescue dogs and i am sure he will vouch for the national ones as being good for the animals

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wag in future your maybe best not to breed at all ,or if you must then get them into working homes.

no good crying now.


Bit Harsh


Wouldnt want you to make a decision wether or not to turn the life support machine off

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