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im using 8" tapered 25mm to 20 mm doubled up it feels good only problem is it feels as if it bottoms out at about my eye socket at my normal reach i normaly rest my draw hand on my ear can i get away with adding another inch to my bands without causing any issues to power ? or will i have to change the taper ? maybe 30mm to 25 mm ? thanks for replys

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i agree with what atom lab says because you don,t always need double bands

if you are using 9mm steel ammo or up to 44 cal lead single bands can actualty be faster.even though they are easier to draw.

also if you increase your taper to say 30mm to 20mm or even more 35mm to 15mm then the speed will increase .

the only downside is the bands don,t last as long ,but when they do break it is usually at the pouch end which is safer because they snap away from your face,

everyones shooting style is slightly different so try experimenting with different tapers and single bands

if you still feel that the bands are maxed out at full draw then try increasing the length slightly because if they are contiually drawn back as far as they will go then they won,t last as long.

good luck

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