gnasher16 30,531 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 Have your opinion and stick to it but what this need is to humiliate and take the piss out of folk who dont believe in what you believe....i dont get that. What like the whole max in the east end scenario? That wasnt a " belief "....thats something that either happened......or it didnt Why would you humiliate someone about something that cant be proved either way ? do you not think thats a cheap shot or is that just how you do things ? No you "believed" he didn't go until it was proved. Exactly !!........I was PROVED problem. You cant humilate someone knowing that neither of you can prove truth either way......thats just cheap ! I'll ask its OK for Bri to believe what he does but not us? So who's humilating who? "your theory is a fairytale,did you read the children textbooks recently,there brainwashed into the evoliution religon,that teaches your nothing but an aimal,no absolutes,its a joke" "super natural is very real,i had first hand experience in my own home an others,an it was scary an confusing,but once I realised what it was,i wasnt afraid anymore,an got rid of them In jesus christ name,it was demonic entitys masqurading as (friendly ghosts),havent had any bother since I got rid,theyre shit scared of jesus,once you mention his name thats it" And we're trying to humiliate him !! Im not defending Brian !......To me the majority of this topic has been like watching 2 invalids in wheelchairs saying they are going to bash each other up !.....I normally enjoy these type of debates because the subject interests me......but when all the sillyness and name calling starts it becomes even more silly than any other debate because neither side can prove anything. I think you are taking my " you cant humiliate someone bla bla bla " to mean YOU was meant as in we/us/people Link to post Share on other sites
oneredtrim 148 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 I've often wondered why folk have never seen a ghost (friendly or moody) whilst eating a cornet on Miami Beach..perhaps there's a simple answer. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
johnny boy68 11,726 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 Have your opinion and stick to it but what this need is to humiliate and take the piss out of folk who dont believe in what you believe....i dont get that. What like the whole max in the east end scenario? That wasnt a " belief "....thats something that either happened......or it didnt Why would you humiliate someone about something that cant be proved either way ? do you not think thats a cheap shot or is that just how you do things ? No you "believed" he didn't go until it was proved. Exactly !!........I was PROVED problem. You cant humilate someone knowing that neither of you can prove truth either way......thats just cheap ! I'll ask its OK for Bri to believe what he does but not us? So who's humilating who? "your theory is a fairytale,did you read the children textbooks recently,there brainwashed into the evoliution religon,that teaches your nothing but an aimal,no absolutes,its a joke" "super natural is very real,i had first hand experience in my own home an others,an it was scary an confusing,but once I realised what it was,i wasnt afraid anymore,an got rid of them In jesus christ name,it was demonic entitys masqurading as (friendly ghosts),havent had any bother since I got rid,theyre shit scared of jesus,once you mention his name thats it" And we're trying to humiliate him !! Im not defending Brian !......To me the majority of this topic has been like watching 2 invalids in wheelchairs saying they are going to bash each other up !.....I normally enjoy these type of debates because the subject interests me......but when all the sillyness and name calling starts it becomes even more silly than any other debate because neither side can prove anything. I think you are taking my " you cant humiliate someone bla bla bla " to mean YOU was meant as in we/us/people Thats right nobody can prove anything but I choose to lean towards real scientists who earned there doctorates and didn't buy them by mail order like the one Bri puts so much faith in. The very same guy who believes in the Loch Ness monster, the guy is a charlatan. Brian will tell you he was jailed to shut him up when in reality he's a liar and a cheat. Link to post Share on other sites
gnasher16 30,531 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 Have your opinion and stick to it but what this need is to humiliate and take the piss out of folk who dont believe in what you believe....i dont get that. What like the whole max in the east end scenario? That wasnt a " belief "....thats something that either happened......or it didnt Why would you humiliate someone about something that cant be proved either way ? do you not think thats a cheap shot or is that just how you do things ? No you "believed" he didn't go until it was proved. Exactly !!........I was PROVED problem. You cant humilate someone knowing that neither of you can prove truth either way......thats just cheap ! I'll ask its OK for Bri to believe what he does but not us? So who's humilating who? "your theory is a fairytale,did you read the children textbooks recently,there brainwashed into the evoliution religon,that teaches your nothing but an aimal,no absolutes,its a joke" "super natural is very real,i had first hand experience in my own home an others,an it was scary an confusing,but once I realised what it was,i wasnt afraid anymore,an got rid of them In jesus christ name,it was demonic entitys masqurading as (friendly ghosts),havent had any bother since I got rid,theyre shit scared of jesus,once you mention his name thats it" And we're trying to humiliate him !! Im not defending Brian !......To me the majority of this topic has been like watching 2 invalids in wheelchairs saying they are going to bash each other up !.....I normally enjoy these type of debates because the subject interests me......but when all the sillyness and name calling starts it becomes even more silly than any other debate because neither side can prove anything. I think you are taking my " you cant humiliate someone bla bla bla " to mean YOU was meant as in we/us/people Thats right nobody can prove anything but I choose to lean towards real scientists who earned there doctorates and didn't buy them by mail order like the one Bri puts so much faith in. The very same guy who believes in the Loch Ness monster, the guy is a charlatan. Brian will tell you he was jailed to shut him up when in reality he's a liar and a cheat. Thats cool your instincts make you lean towards the words of real scientists..... no instincts make me lean towards the words of real people who stand before me in everyday life whos beliefs i see hear and feel rather than just read about........but each to their own we all follow our own instincts. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 johnny neither wrong but they can be disproven an evoloution can be disproven an it has paulas so your saying our tail bone is vestigual ok i will pay to have yours removed how does that sound im not slagging anyone im telling truth Look at the debate above thats your best scientists being proven wrong so why they not bring up what you say johnny or paulas they did an he proved it wrong he has.lots more debates with yor scientists an beat them all why dont you watch some.hes not smarter hes just right oh by the way did einstein have a degree no an countless other well renowned scientists havent Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 sorry top line i meant right Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 "Not one change of species into another is on record ... we cannot prove that a single species has been changed." (Charles Darwin, My Life & Letters) "To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." (Charles Darwin, Origin of Species, chapter "Difficulties") "There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution; the other is a supernatural creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation, that life arose from non-living matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasture and others. That leaves us with the only possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural creative act of God." He then went on to say that "I will not accept that philosophically because I do not want to believe in God therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible; spontaneous generation arising to evolution."(Dr. George Wall professor emeritus of biology at Harvard University. Nobel Prize winner in biology. From an article in Scientific America) "I have little hesitation in saying that a sickly pall now hangs over the big bang theory." (Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomer, cosmologist, and mathematician, Cambridge University) "The pathetic thing is that we have scientists who are trying to prove evolution, which no scientist can ever prove." (Dr. Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize winner and eminent evolutionist) "The theory of evolution suffers from grave defects, which are more and more apparent as time advances. It can no longer square with practical scientific knowledge." (Dr A Fleishmann, Zoologist, Erlangen University) "It is good to keep in mind ... that nobody has ever succeeded in producing even one new species by the accumulation of micromutations. Darwin's theory of natural selection has never had any proof, yet it has been universally accepted." (Prof. R Goldschmidt PhD, DSc Prof. Zoology, University of Calif. in Material Basis of Evolution Yale Univ. Press) "The theory of the transmutation of species is a scientific mistake, untrue in its facts, unscientific in its method, and mischievous in its tendency."(Prof. J Agassiz, of Harvard in Methods of Study in Natural History) "Evolution is baseless and quite incredible." (Dr Ambrose Fleming, President, British Assoc. Advancement of Science, in The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought) "Overwhelming strong proofs of intelligent and benevolent design lie around us ... The atheistic idea is so nonsensical that I cannot put it into words." (Lord Kelvin, Vict. Inst., 124, p267) It is possible (and, given the Flood, probable) that materials which give radiocarbon dates of tens of thousands of radiocarbon years could have true ages of many fewer calendar years." (Gerald Aardsman, Ph.D., physicist and C-14 dating specialist) "We have to admit that there is nothing in the geological records that runs contrary to the views of conservative creationists." (Evolutionist Edmund Ambrose) "The best physical evidence that the earth is young is the dwindling resource that evolutionists refuse to admit is dwindling ... the magnetic energy in the field of the earth's dipole magnet ... To deny that it is a dwindling resource is phony science." (Thomas Barnes Ph.D., physicist) "No matter how numerous they may be, mutations do not produce any kind of evolution."(Pierre-Paul Grasse, Evolutionist) "The likelihood of the formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number with 40,000 noughts after it ... It is big enough to bury Darwin and the whole theory of evolution ... if the beginnings of life were not random, they must therefore have been the product of purposeful intelligence." (Sir Fred Hoyle, astronomer, cosmologist and mathematician, Cambridge University) "It is easy enough to make up stories, of how one form gave rise to another, and to find reasons why the stages should be favored by natural selection. But such stories are not part of science, for there is no way of putting them to the test." (Luther D Sutherland, Darwin's Enigma, Master Books 1988, p89) "Is it really credible that random processes could have constructed a reality, the smallest element of which - a functional protein or gene - is complex beyond ... anything produced by the intelligence of man?" (Molecular biologist Michael Denton, Evolutionist: A Theory in Crisis (London: Burnett Books, 1985) p 342.) "When I make an incision with my scalpel, I see organs of such intricacy that there simply hasn't been enough time for natural evolutionary processes to have developed them." (C Everett Koop, former US Surgeon General) "Modern apes ... seem to have sprung out of nowhere. They have no yesterday, no fossil record. And the true origin of modern humans ... is, if we are to be honest with ourselves, an equally mysterious matter." (Lyall Watson, Ph.D., Evolutionist) "Although bacteria are tiny, they display biochemical, structural and behavioral complexities that outstrip scientific description. In keeping with the current microelectronics revolution, it may make more sense to equate their size with sophistication rather than with simplicity ... Without bacteria life on earth could not exist in its present form." (James A Shipiro, Bacteria as Multicellular Organisms, "Scientific America, Vol.258, No.6 (June 1988)) "Eighty to eighty-five percent of earth's land surface does not have even 3 geological periods appearing in 'correct' consecutive order ... it becomes an overall exercise of gargantuan special pleading and imagination for the evolutionary-uniformitarian paradigm to maintain that there ever were geologic periods."(John Woodmorappe, geologist) "That a mindless, purposeless, chance process such as natural selection, acting on the sequels of recombinant DNA or random mutation, most of which are injurious or fatal, could fabricate such complexity and organisation as the vertebrate eye, where each component part must carry out its own distinctive task in a harmoniously functioning optical unit, is inconceivable. The absence of transitional forms between the invertebrates retina and that of the vertebrates poses another difficulty. Here there is a great gulf fixed which remains inviolate with no seeming likelihood of ever being bridged. The total picture speaks of intelligent creative design of an infinitely high order." (H.S.Hamilton (MD) The Retina of the Eye - An Evolutionary Road Block.) "My attempts to demonstrate evolution by an experiment carried on for more than 40 years have completely failed." (N.H.Nilson, famous botanist and evolutionist) "None of five museum officials could offer a single example of a transitional series of fossilized organisms that would document the transformation of one basically different type to another." (Luther Sunderland, science researcher) "The entire hominid collection known today would barely cover a billiard table, but it has spawned a science because it is distinguished by two factors which inflate its apparent relevance far beyond its merits. First, the fossils hint at the ancestry of a supremely self- important animal - ourselves. Secondly, the collection is so tantalizingly incomplete, and the specimens themselves often so fragmented and inconclusive, that more can be said about what is missing than about what is present. Hence the amazing quantity of literature on the subject ever since Darwin's work inspired the notion that fossils linking modern man and extinct ancestor would provide the most convincing proof of human evolution, preconceptions have led evidence by the nose in the study of fossil man." (John Reader, Whatever Happened to Zinjanthropus? New Scientist Vol. 89, No.12446 (March 26,1981) pp 802-805)) "The evolutionist thesis has become more stringently unthinkable than ever before."(Wolfgang Smith Ph.D.) "The only competing explanation for the order we all see in the biological world is the notion of Special Creation." (Niles Eldridge, PhD., paleontologist and evolutionist, American Museum of Natural History). "A growing number of respectable scientists are defecting from the evolutionist camp ... moreover, for the most part these 'experts' have abandoned Darwinism, not on the basis of religious faith or biblical persuasions, but on scientific grounds, and in some instances, regretfully." (Wolfgang Smith, Ph.D., physicist and mathematician) Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 if you dont beleive hovind here is a.list of YOUR scientist above even darwin Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 read it an weep lads an theres more quotes to follow Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 more quotes from scientist "As yet we have not been able to track the phylogenetic history of a single group of modern plants from its beginning to the present."(Chester A Arnold, Professor of Botany and Curator of Fossil Plants, University of Michigan, An Introduction to Paleobotany (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1947, p.7) "The more scientists have searched for the transitional forms that lie between species, the more they have been frustrated." (John Adler with John Carey: Is Man a Subtle Accident, Newsweek, Vol.96, No.18 (November 3, 1980, p.95) "...most people assume that fossils provide a very important part of the general argument in favour of Darwinian interpretations of the history of life. Un - fortunately, this is not strictly true." (Dr David Raup, Curator of geology, Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago) "Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides means of 'seeing' Evolution, it has provided some nasty difficulties for evolutionists, the most notorious of which is the presence of 'gaps' in the fossil record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between species and paleontology does not provide them." (David Kitts, Ph.D. Paleontology and Evolutionary Theory, Evolution, Vol.28 (Sep.1974) p.467) "Hundreds of scientists who once taught their university students that the bottom line on origins had been figured out and settled are today confessing that they were completely wrong. They've discovered that their previous conclusions, once held so fervently, were based on very fragile evidences and suppositions which have since been refuted by new discoveries. This has necessitated a change in their basic philosophical position on origins. Others are admitting great weaknesses in evolution theory."(Luther D Sutherland, Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other Problems, 4th edition (Santee, California: Master Books,1988) pp.7- "The fact that a theory so vague, so insufficiently verifiable, and so far from the criteria otherwise applied in 'hard' science has become a dogma can only be explained on sociological grounds."(Ludwig von Bertalanffy, biologist) "Micromutations do occur, but the theory that these alone can account for evolutionary change is either falsified, or else it is an unfalsifiable, hence metaphysical theory. I suppose that nobody will deny that it is a great misfortune if an entire branch of science becomes addicted to a false theory. But this is what has happened in biology: ... I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science. When this happens many people will pose the question: How did this ever happen?" (S Lovtrup, Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth (London:Croom Helm, p.422)) "If one allows the unquestionably largest experimenter to speak, namely nature, one gets a clear and incontrovertible answer to the question about the significance of mutations for the formation of species and evolution. They disappear under the competitive conditions of natural selection, as soap bubbles burst in a breeze." (Evolutionist Herbert Nilson, Synthetische Artbildung (Lund, Sweden:Verlag CWK Gleerup Press, 1953, p 174) "In all the thousands of fly-breeding experiments carried out all over the world for more than fifty years, a distinct new species has never been seen to emerge ... or even a new enzyme."(Gordon Taylor, The Great Evolution Mystery (New York: Harper and Row, 1983, pp 34, 38) "The uniform, continuous transformation of Hyracotherium into Equus, so dear to the hearts of generations of textbook writers, never happened in nature." (George Simpson, paleontologist and Evolutionist) "As is well known, most fossil species appear instantaneously in the fossil record." (Tom Kemp, Oxford University) "The fossil record pertaining to man is still so sparsely known that those who insist on positive declarations can do nothing more than jump from one hazardous surmise to another and hope that the next dramatic discovery does not make them utter fools ... Clearly some refuse to learn from this. As we have seen, there are numerous scientists and popularizers today who have the temerity to tell us that there is 'no doubt' how man originated: if only they had the evidence..." (William R Fix, The Bone Peddlers, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1984, p.150) "The curious thing is that there is a consistency about the fossil gaps; the fossils are missing in all the important places." (Francis Hitching, archaeologist). Link to post Share on other sites
johnny boy68 11,726 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 if you dont beleive hovind here is a.list of YOUR scientist above even darwin We can all copy and paste stuff for each argument but top and bottom is nobody can prove either as fact. Belief is simply belief, not right or wrong just belief. You chose to believe one thing and I chose to believe another, if my belief takes me to an eternal hell then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Peace out Bri. Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 sorry to burst your bubble johnny but the truth.had to be told Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 johnny thats top scientists in all fields proving evoloution is wrong come on man i was at this stage one time meself hard to take but its truth Link to post Share on other sites
neems 2,406 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 sorry to burst your bubble johnny but the truth.had to be told what do the friendly ghosts want from you? Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 1, 2014 Report Share Posted September 1, 2014 there werent ghosts lad demons pretending to be friendly to keep me far away from god an truth atheists have no experience of this because there doing a good job of hating god thenselves the devil dont need to intervene Link to post Share on other sites
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