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When I was a child I prayed to god and asked for a bike, but I knew god didn't work that way so I stole one and asked for forgiveness instead ?.

I will clearly state that my belief is that God does NOT exist. However, you can't prove that something doesn't exist, so if your telling me that I'm wrong, then I'm going to need some proof. Proof th

I've had a google and they reckon it's about 5000 pairs. What I can't understand if God was so powerful, powerful enough that he can make the world, he could do all these amazing things. He summons a

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  On 11/01/2015 at 15:50, Hareydave said:

God an Allah it the same thing Muslim would be a bit more like Protestants they believe the same thing, an the name itself says it all complainers

Arab Christians Use Allah in church. Both religions originated from middle east. Jews also say illuhim.
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  On 11/01/2015 at 16:02, AXUM said:


  On 11/01/2015 at 15:50, Hareydave said:

God an Allah it the same thing Muslim would be a bit more like Protestants they believe the same thing, an the name itself says it all complainers

Arab Christians Use Allah in church. Both religions originated from middle east. Jews also say illuhim.


it all the same only difference in any religion is the virgin birth, an in this day an age who gives a shit if she was a virgin or not

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Alot of haters on here, when.really you havent a clue what ye s are talking about, christianity an islam the same haha what a joke an just goes to show yous are desperate an weak minded little boys, toodle oooh

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  On 11/01/2015 at 09:43, frazdog said:

Thanks for that chris, but let me get this straight mat, the only way you know that the bible is fiction is cause, here........ il put your quote here


My primary reason for knowing the bible is a complete work of fiction is that at no point in the bible does it say that slavery is wrong. It only says that you should treat your slaves well!


Now chris for a man that answered, alot of questions, in a short time, you seem to miss your logic on this above statment, I thought agnostics were open an deceided on evidence, maybe not,,,, but anyway, this also proves to me that you didnt read the bible, an probably relied on a search engine, cause first of all, its was not involuntary it voluntary, people were poor an often voluntary slavery, was good for these people cause they had nothing, an it provided them with a roof over there, an daily food in exchange for their labor, chris as you said, they had to be treated well, an there was laws too protect them, like the death penelaty for,


He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death." ("Exodus 21:16


Colossians 4:1

ESV / 183 helpful votes

Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.


Chris go an read the bible for yourself mate, your completley missed that one mate, slaves had a good life, food shelter etc in exchange for labor, it was a good deal cause most had, no food or shelter, they were well respeced an cared for with laws to keep them safe, so have a look mate.


Why doesn't the 10 Commandments say "Thou Shall Not Keep Another Person As Your Property?"


Your referring to slavery again, mate its not the slavery as what black people had to endure, it was voluntary mate.


I have actually read the bible. I found it an incredibly tedious read... What is it? 700,000 words, or something? I will use a search engine to refer to certain sections just as you have done in your post. Highlighted.


There is no missed logic with being agnostic, and dismissing the bible as fiction. As an agnostic, as I've said, I'm very open to the idea of a divine creator. The problem is that I don't know. I don't have sufficient evidence for, or against, so I can't come to a reasonable conclusion.


The dismissing of the bible, as the word of God, is purely down the way it's been written. Re-written. Changed. Translated. Redacted. Re-translated and written again. The way the earliest gospel was written over a period of four decades. The fact that the gospel of Matthew was largely plaigerized from the gospel of Mark, a few hundred verses give or take. The fact that they are all anonymous authors and that two even admit they weren't eyewitnesses to Jesus. The fact that the gospels weren't even cannonized until around 180-200CE. I could continue with man's interpretation of the good book. Not to mention the way men use it to indoctrinate children, and subjugate women. That's not just the bible. The Koran and the communist manifesto to. You see religion is largely a geographic thing. Looking at how it's spread you can clearly see that it's the actions of men. Islam is spread by the sword. Christianity is spread by the sword. The reason for it's success is because of it's capacity for violence, not because of the quality of it's teaching.


That is why I believe that the possiblity of a divine creator, and current interpretation of religion, are mutually exclusive. That's not just Christianity but all others that rely on traditional rhetoric. A just, moral, and loving God wouldn't allow the continual war. The Inquisition, the widespread poverty, political corruption, and back to slavery...


You are indeed correct in your quote regarding voluntary slavery, and Hebrews were forbidden to be taken as involuntary slaves. We could argue the context with which the word slavery is used but that would be pointless. However,


Leviticus 25:44-46

44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.

45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.

46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.


The ambiguity of this book has been used by generations to subjugate people and use them as involuntary slaves. From the Romans onwards... If God doesn't condone involuntary slavery, why didn't he just say so with a commandment? "Thou Shall Not Keep Another Person As Your Property"


Because it was written by men. For men. As a tool for control.


If it was the word of God it would be direct and wouldn't be subject to internet discussions about true meaning.


It has been corrupted by someone other than the divine creator and shouldn't be a representation of His word.

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  On 11/01/2015 at 16:08, Hareydave said:

it all the same only difference in any religion is the virgin birth, an in this day an age who gives a shit if she was a virgin or not



I love the irony of these religions that claim abstinence is the only form of contraception, yet believe in a virgin birth!

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Hello chris il be glad to verify, a few points you made,

The bible has stood the test of time no matter what anyone may think, the kj has not changed since it was originally translated, now their plenty of other corupt versions, but that is to try an ruin the bible credability, which hasnt happened, ive to pop out for an hour but ol gladly discuss it when im nack, but in the meantime if you say its not the word of God, point to me were the bible is wrong or whatever your saying chris, il chat to yo soon mate

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  On 11/01/2015 at 17:30, frazdog said:

Hello chris il be glad to verify, a few points you made,

The bible has stood the test of time no matter what anyone may think, the kj has not changed since it was originally translated, now their plenty of other corupt versions, but that is to try an ruin the bible credability, which hasnt happened, ive to pop out for an hour but ol gladly discuss it when im nack, but in the meantime if you say its not the word of God, point to me were the bible is wrong or whatever your saying chris, il chat to yo soon mate


Thanks for taking the time to reply to my musings, Fraz. I see little more to add to the discussion at this point. A book claiming to the word of God is not going to contain words that disprove his existance! :laugh:


We're certainly not going to advance the discussion. I need more than just faith to get me through the eternal question. Where religion has stalled science has provided.


semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit :thumbs:


  On 11/01/2015 at 17:32, frazdog said:

The bible is to be taken literal, end of, so that might help you in your conquest


Thanks. It has helped me conclude my conquest. :thumbs:

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Well chris well how about starting off with telling me which words, disprove itself lol

I agree science has helped us alot, but I fail to see twhat you mean about, science has taken over, could you expand on that chris, thanks lad

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  On 11/01/2015 at 18:31, frazdog said:

Well chris well how about starting off with telling me which words, disprove itself lol

I agree science has helped us alot, but I fail to see twhat you mean about, science has taken over, could you expand on that chris, thanks lad


I said clearly the bible will not contain anything which will prove that a divine creator does not exist.


The last reliable translation, of a translation, of a translation, of a translation, of the bible, was the King James version, if I'm correct. Finished in 1611CE? That's 400 years of no further comment! No additional revelation, no more information. Science has filled the gaps and continued to evolve through that time. Has our Heavenly Father finished with us?


  On 11/01/2015 at 18:47, frazdog said:

I cant see them pics chris


Which pics? I haven't posted any.

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Oh right, I seen captions, with a question mark I thought it was pics chris, well the kj is 100% reliable, translated from the original scripture, the bible contains everything you need to know, an God reveals to christian beleivers all the time, ive first hand experience, an chris show me how science fills the gaps, as science is based on testable an observable evidence, I fail to see your point mate.

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