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When I was a child I prayed to god and asked for a bike, but I knew god didn't work that way so I stole one and asked for forgiveness instead ?.

I will clearly state that my belief is that God does NOT exist. However, you can't prove that something doesn't exist, so if your telling me that I'm wrong, then I'm going to need some proof. Proof th

I've had a google and they reckon it's about 5000 pairs. What I can't understand if God was so powerful, powerful enough that he can make the world, he could do all these amazing things. He summons a

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Will quoting extracts from the bible constitute as proof the almighty presides over us. If not, what other proof is there, a few old scrolls written by man of his personal beliefs is hardly evidence of an all being creationist.


Would be a great relief for either the evolutionist, or creationist theorists to come up with some irrefutable evidence to prove once and for all the origin of man, then this thread might even come to and end lol.

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Will quoting extracts from the bible constitute as proof the almighty presides over us. If not, what other proof is there, a few old scrolls written by man of his personal beliefs is hardly evidence of an all being creationist.


Would be a great relief for either the evolutionist, or creationist theorists to come up with some irrefutable evidence to prove once and for all the origin of man, then this thread might even come to and end lol.

I believe Darwin covered that in a tome or two.
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did you know that maximus,the roman leader was eight an half feet tall,people say we couldnt live to 900,well with the right conditions,its possible,more oxygen an more atmospheric pressure,it can be done,theirs lots of evidence about for it,coupled with the giant skeltons found all around the world,some up to 14 foot tall,i think,the bible is spot on with its world.

eg the little american girl,who fell down the pipe,when they got her out,her legs were black,with no circulation,a doc said cut them of straight away,but another said,put her in a hyperbaris chamber,an with in hours her legs turned pink,an she fully recovered,this was because the hyperbaric chamber had double the oxygen,an double the pressure,an the oxygen saturated her cells,causing the body to recover an quickly.

I think it should be used in cancer treatments,cause the cells have not died,apoptosis,an theres no oxygen in them,just a thought

...the rescue of baby Jessica
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did you know that maximus,the roman leader was eight an half feet tall,people say we couldnt live to 900,well with the right conditions,its possible,more oxygen an more atmospheric pressure,it can be done,theirs lots of evidence about for it,coupled with the giant skeltons found all around the world,some up to 14 foot tall,i think,the bible is spot on with its world.

eg the little american girl,who fell down the pipe,when they got her out,her legs were black,with no circulation,a doc said cut them of straight away,but another said,put her in a hyperbaris chamber,an with in hours her legs turned pink,an she fully recovered,this was because the hyperbaric chamber had double the oxygen,an double the pressure,an the oxygen saturated her cells,causing the body to recover an quickly.

I think it should be used in cancer treatments,cause the cells have not died,apoptosis,an theres no oxygen in them,just a thought

...the rescue of baby Jessica


She was an ugly kid,even with both legs she was an ugly fecker,only jesus could see anything in an ugly little fecker dragged from a well,i rest my case.
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.Funny how folk use the old 50% banana thing to make their point rather than 99% each other or 98 % chimp................almost like a desperation to shock.

simple point is were all made from the same stuff some more closely related than others but show me anything on this earth that does not share dna with something else and i will be amazed, everything is related to everything else in some way or other, if god made them, they i would have thought all been different, kind of fits evolution though!

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