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with a name like truther,you dont know much truth,5% lol dont think so,your just another wannabe rebel who doesnt want to live by the rules


Its an official figure Fraz 5% of English are regular church goers. All the chapels and churches are closing here, nobody goes to our local church anymore, they sold the vicarage and use the church for community meetings and jumble sales.

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born your the one living in fantasy land,with ignorance as a backbone.


now the best scientists of the world are christians,an in the past also,so stop your lying saying christians hate science,thats just complete lies born.


you say question the unquestionable,we already have an done so in the past,an you know it.


I dont want the church or archbishop to be in charge,god is in charge an dont you forget it.


now lets question the lie of evoloution,i bet I wont get an answer to this q.


ok born could you please explain to us about your god,dirt matter,whatever

were did this come from to explode in big bang?

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We already questioned the unquestionable..... hmmm..... GALILEO AND THE ROMAN INQUISITION!


Don't make me laugh! The top scientists are Christian :laugh:.... you'll have to forgive me for not agreeing, you see I've met a few actual top scientists (what a f***ing cringe term) and your judgements on science are less than meaningless to me, that is something proven.

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born im sick an tired of listening to bullshit evoloutionists,telling us christians,were nutters,an whatever else weve been called.


your evoloution theory is a hinderance to science,cause its not scientific,what does scientific mean,something you can observe an test,an you cant do that with origin of man evo,macro.an thats a fact its just bullshit lies being spouted an your called ignorant,nutter,madman whatever for not beleiving,


question,what has evoloution done to help mankind scientifically,honest q which I wont get an answer to.

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that might be so truther,but people dont need priests,vicars to interput the bible for them,its pretty clear,tho its saddening ,all you need is your bible an your sweet


The bible is a fairy story mate, copied from previous text mostly, exept the obvious fakes like the nativity, Roman records make a joke of that, loved to keep records the Romans ;)

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you dodged my question again,i knew it cause you cant answer,you havent a clue,were did the matter come from the big bang.


you are ignorant,you know christians are an were in past the best scientists,your saying that there stupid in the past an knew nothing,smacks of evoloution doctrine,people in the past were alot more intelligent an credible,do you want me to put up the list of christian scientists past an present to slaber you up again

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you dodged my question again,i knew it cause you cant answer,you havent a clue,were did the matter come from the big bang.


you are ignorant,you know christians are an were in past the best scientists,your saying that there stupid in the past an knew nothing,smacks of evoloution doctrine,people in the past were alot more intelligent an credible,do you want me to put up the list of christian scientists past an present to slaber you up again


The "big bang" last refuge of the desperate christian lol, has anybody said a "creator" didn't cause the big bang? I don't like the matter/anti matter theory, why should there be anything in existance at all, where did it come from? Maybe their is a "god" or "creator" but its nothing to do with the man made bible, be careful you aren't "worshipping a false god" Fraz, the bible loves that quote, but offers no evidence theirs is real?

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So because we don't know where the matter came from for the big bang or exactly how life started that's 'proof' the theories are wrong! LOL LOL. Fraz you wouldn't last five seconds in academia.


I've not dodged your question, you have a terrible understanding of science and aren't capable of expanding it. It's a fruitless endeavour for me.


Both Evolution theory and the Big Bang theory are testable, have been tested and are being tested..... That IS a fact! I'll not waste my time going into detail though because you haven't the faintest ability to comprehend it.

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nono,christians are here well before these stupid unfounded lies came about,its a simple q they cant answer,an why the fook would god create a world to evolve thats dumb,an the bible quickly dispells that,


come on truther,were are they egs you say

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You can repeat the post you put on previously of all the Christian scientists if you want. Many of which predated any ideas of Big Bang or Evolution!!! LOL. Many others that are happy Christians and still believe in TBBT and Evolution Theory. But that's your idea of what constitutes a counter argument! HA.


Similar to when you thought using a word in the definition of that word was perfectly logical. LOL


Stop playing at science Fraz, Just follow your beliefs.


FFS why am I bothering still.

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onetrim could you take your petty football squabbles of this thread or take it to pm.





That's not a petty football squabble Frzman...it's a wonderful example of how a persons faith in thier own beliefs can be so wide of the mark, highlighting perfectly how somebodys faith can drive ignorance, ego and arrogance..i thought you of all people would have understood that with you being a touch on the abstract side...with your 300 yr old humans




"Max i dont need to do anything quite as strenous as collecting evidence.......its a lot more simple than that..........make a phonecall........wait an hour for a phonecall back.....done ;) .....................your ticket reference number is not for the West Ham/Sunderland game at The Boleyn........or any other game at The Boleyn".........

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