Accip74 7,112 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 (edited) Tony Blair supposedly had strong Christian values.........that's enough to put me off.... Edited September 16, 2014 by Accip74 Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,828 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 Tony Blair supposedly had strong Christian values.........that's enough to me off.... Ironically, Charles Darwin was also a theist and a Christian to the day he died! LOL Link to post Share on other sites
Accip74 7,112 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 Tony Blair supposedly had strong Christian values.........that's enough to me off.... Ironically, Charles Darwin was also a theist and a Christian to the day he died! LOL Shit!!! I liked him..... Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 nail on the head dd. darwin left bible school an couldnt get a job so his dad i think got him on a boat an he sailed the world,an read a few books. the darwinian finches as they call them are still a bird a finch lol they had diff varietys but there still a bird. there was no change of kind just a variety of finches no macro at all. people claim to be christians,but i think tb converted to catholicism he was not born again imo Link to post Share on other sites
hutch6 550 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 Does it matter if it's a change of kind or not? The birds in question might not have become iguana's or vice versa whilst he was on the islands but they have developed a variety of shaped beaks to exploit the natural resources on the island. You are adamant about seeing a change of kind but yet you don't question a guy that you've never met because he died nearly two thousand years ago, have only very distant written accounts of that are from 12 different people (you didn't hear your mate Ray Comfort say "Rotten" just before neighbour and we watched and listened to the same thing that anyone can, imagine if you could only see something once and that was it, you only had your perception to go on), they apparently turned water into wine and walked on water, well I've seen the magician Dynamo do very similar things where he turns Orang tango into Coco-Cola and vice versa, is he the Messiah? Do you believe in magic then and that magicians have mystic powers instead of just being well rehearsed in slight of hand and distraction? I forget how many times it's been questioned on here about Noah's Ark but don't you think there'd be less species to take two of and a much more manageable size boat to build if there were common ancestor that then split after the "great flood"? Red Deer, Fallow Deer and Caribou could have all descended from a common ancestor or have they allows been totally separate species? Crow, Raven, Rook, Magpie and Chuff, have they always been totally separate species? The First Generation of America's tales of how things came to being make more sense to me than a bloke building a boat to carry all species and yet we are still discovering new species now. How are these new? Did Noah know about them but not log them in his inventory or did they evolve after the flood from the ones he did save or was the flood not global and just local to where the book was written? What is the difference between a pancake and a Yorkshire pudding Fazdog? Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 yes hutch theres a massive difference,thats the whole point,he never seen change of kind just varietys of the kind. the whole point is that macro is a beleif you have to beleive long ago an far away were it cant be observed,have you caught on yet i dont argue that crow magpie an rook have a common ancestor a BIRD i dont argue that a red ,fallow or karibou have a common ancestor a DEER. when the kinds came of the boat an multiplyed an moved over the land i would say they changed variety not kind,ive no problem with that. evoloutionist call this micro evo,which it shouldnt because its a change in variety still the same kind. thats how they slip in there macro evo,there BELEIF long ago an far away. so in the beginning i beleive GOD in the beginning you beleive DIRT i was on building site when i heard the vid i didnt hear rotten,but i still cant beleive your defending it hutch,they chose to save a dog from dying instead of rotten neighbor a human,ffs theres no morals or absolutes in evoloution its an abomination unto the lord. your created in gods image with special qualitys that seperate us from.animals cmon lad jesus life is well documented not just in bible,an lots of seperate history,i have a personal relatioship with him which yiu wouldnt understand cause you dont beleive. atheists an agnoatics whatever,they know god is there but there choosing not to beleive,you see god knows that you know hes there but your willfully ignorant an choose not to beleive so you can run after your lusts an do what you like an refute god. even know you dont beleive god knows your heart,that he might exist in yours, but your ignorant,yet you will still be judged Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,828 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 atheists an agnoatics whatever,they know god is there but there choosing not to beleive,you see god knows that you know hes there but your willfully ignorant an choose not to beleive so you can run after your lusts an do what you like an refute god. What an ironically arrogant statement.... To think that you 'know' the minds of free thinkers. Tell me Fraz, what lusts do I indulge in that has made me turn my back on the God hypothesis? Link to post Share on other sites
johnny boy68 11,726 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 What about the tablet that Irving Finkel has that says a ark was built in 1750BC well before Noah's? You say the bible is this authentic piece of literature but why was this other ark story over looked? Link to post Share on other sites
paulus 26 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 What about the tablet that Irving Finkel has that says a ark was built in 1750BC well before Noah's? You say the bible is this authentic piece of literature but why was this other ark story over looked? its been proven that the Babylonians experienced floods on a regular basis in the areas of Syria,Iraq etc, soil samples have proved this without a doubt. the arc described on that tablet had been recreated and just about worked with the aid of modern bilge pumps, the arc was a scaled up version of a curricle used to save individuals families and their livestock when natural flooding occurred, some 2000 years later the story of Noah and his arc appeared in the bible!!! Link to post Share on other sites
hutch6 550 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 I don't get how I am ignorant. What am I ignorant of? What lusts are you on about? I went to two catholic schools, studied religion for 12 years whilst at school and listened to various folk speaking about the word of God and none of it sat with me, it just doesn't make sense to me just as "the natural order/evolution" doesn't make sense to you Yes, I can't state for a fact that I or anyone has seen a change in kind e.g. reptile to bird, but I also can't state for a fact that anyone has sat beside The Son of God or spoken with any form of God. I could safely say you haven't either. There are stories all the time about folk seeing an image of The Son of God in toast, a cloud and even a dog's arse but nobody has actually said "I saw The Son of God today" or has a recording in any shape of form of God. You haven't met the authors of the book you have so much faith in and yet you take comfort in your belief that it is the answer to your origin. I find the same comfort in nature and knowing that is my origin. You didn't find that comfort before you turned to God and I didn't either being brought up around the word of God. I only felt that comfort being amongst nature as you do applying the teachings of God to your life. When you die you will go in peace with the belief your soul will pass on to another realm where it will enjoy eternal life and others will be cast into hell. What is a soul? Can you show me a soul? Has anyone had their's removed so we can see it? To me you don't have a soul, merely memories laid down in other people's minds that have interacted with you on a personal level. Some will love you, some will like you and some will dislike you. If someone dislikes you does that make you or them a bad person? When I die I will go peacefully as well knowing that the atoms that make up my body will be used here on this planet in something else as part of the big cycle of nature. My atoms could cause an imbalance and an anomaly somewhere that sparks an evolutionary change. I am not defending anything, I said he didn't define what was meant by "rotten" or neighbour to be precise. I'll happily admit there are folk on this rock I'd sooner save a wasp over and I am sure others would do the same. In the book you take as everything, God saved more animals than he did people during the flood he sent to cleanse the earth and yet you are appalled by folk saying they would save their beloved dog rather than a rotten neighbour? God killed ninety nine point something percent of his children and you've been banging on about how that occurrence is a fact in history. What if God told you to build an ark and save a few of each species along with your wife and children but you couldn't save your parents, your siblings and their children, your neighbours, your best friend, your local parish or anyone else, would you do it? Am I more important than an animal? To my family, friends and anyone who relies on me perhaps, but in the natural order that I see and understand I don't think I am at all. In fact sometimes I think I am less important as I am part of a species that is perhaps wrecking the order of things and causing more harm than good but I am comfortable with that. Do you think we as a species would survive if all other life on earth wasn't here? Do you think your God would help you out and save you in some way? I'll ask you again as you might have missed my question. What is the difference between a pancake and a Yorkshire pudding? 2 Link to post Share on other sites
Hareydave 1,214 Posted September 16, 2014 Author Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 Just slime and no god for me,,,,lolI thought we all started as a bit slime lol Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 the world flood was 4400 yrs ago. 2400 bc i dont mean mean to be arrogant lads honest! dog is living the others not! my point is your children are being fed lies right now as we speak in your primary schools by being taught evoloution. does that not bother you,remember your world view is how you base your life decisons on, an what there teaching kids is that theres no morals your just an animal no absolutes. i know mine is religon but the other side cant admit it cause theres an agenda behind it. either both get taught in school or none,thats the way it should be Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 the world flood was 4400 yrs ago. 2400 bc i dont mean mean to be arrogant lads honest! dog is living the others not! my point is your children are being fed lies right now as we speak in your primary schools by being taught evoloution. does that not bother you,remember your world view is how you base your life decisons on, an what there teaching kids is that theres no morals your just an animal no absolutes. i know mine is religon but the other side cant admit it cause theres an agenda behind it. either both get taught in school or none,thats the way it should be Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 misread the q lad can bearly see screen with sun. i would say no difference.why? Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Share Posted September 16, 2014 could you answer me a q please hutch? who deceides right an wrong in this world if theres no absolutes? Link to post Share on other sites
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