gnasher16 30,535 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 If you two are ever likely to be at the same game fair , dog show ect , do me a favour and let me know in advance it could prove to be a decent day out If what im told about hims right there,d be nothing left but his shoe laces and im not a bully.......but call me old fashioned i just prefer folk to c**t me off to my face. Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,971 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 Whatever you think about religion, as people have turned away from the church so society has broken down. That surely can't be denied. Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,830 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 Wilf, society has been building up and breaking down before, during and after the church. It's happened plenty since Christianity has been in these lands. It's a fact I'd rather live in today's Britain than the Britain at the peak of church power. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 47,971 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 Rakes progress mate, life's a stuck record I will grant you. However, I can't help but feel with have liberated ourselves backwards Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,830 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 I know exactly what you're saying. This is the way i see it. The church may have been controlling but it brought order to society in a constructive way. Once people started to think for themselves and decide their own rules, rather than show intelligence and moral substance many have used it as an excuse to behave however they want. The church had society well conditioned, the revolution of free thinking has liberated and progressed some and turned others into careless, moraless rebels. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
oneredtrim 148 Posted November 26, 2014 Report Share Posted November 26, 2014 (edited) 'bad to the bone'......................hmm, not too sure about that Mr. Dom, you'll never catch me useing economic putdowns on forum members by offering food the point youve mis-read what they've said and then doing the typical born again snidey cunting christian trick by pretending great benevolence....oh no.....oh no not me And you,ll never catch me saying things to forum members that when asked to say it to their face i fold up like an 11 year old child.....oh no....oh no not me. But then i guess we all have our just glad mine is being a c**t and not a coward Did nobody notify your world that a coward can pretend his economic put-down was charitable, getting your skit offside was unfortunate Len, only thick foolish c**ts do that, that said i think you might have got away with it on here. It's a terrible burden for a christian man having to run with his initial natural decision and forever argue his actions were meant with good intentions, it's no wonder you and your mate are mithering god, afterall he see's everything, the all knowing eye, start lieing to him you'll end up with a bad heart...did i mention 'for every action'...thought i did. ps..'dont make me do it max'....said the ticket touts pal This conversation you are fixated you not think it best to actually know the full story before running your lips off ?,where does a ticket tout come into anything ?......or doesnt the truth matter to see the truth to me is very important and i know i can be a right horrible c**t sometimes.....much as i try not to be most of the time i guess theres a trait tucked away back there that every now and then comes to the surface its not nice and i dont like it myself hence i,ll always make ammends after i realise ive been a c**t to thats my truth. Your truth seems to be that you are a lowlife coward claiming to be all " street " yet hiding behind the safety of your keyboard having a pop at people you wouldnt dream of even standing in front of .....if i had even a small problem with someone for 6 years odd over the internet you better believe id be wanting to forget the internet and just meet them.....yet you would rather humiliate yourself wriggling out of it like the snake you are than do that. I say again id rather be the big c**t i am than the little coward you are what long words and riddles are you going to come up with this time to avoid having to face a man and keep this on the keyboards ? I'll be truthfull with ya Len, it does appear you've got me and everybody else well taped and it is indeed you who knows them streets..i can't speak for other members who show no desire to meet you , though if you stick with it i'm sure you'll find some fanboys.... "Max you are like an open book mate it doesnt take a clever person to work out whats gone on here you started a thread about these highly passionate Sunderland fans then when i invited you down you came up with an excuse for not going which i had a sarcastic dig about so much for the passionate support.......This clearly needled you so much that you miraculously found a few tickets down the back of the which i then invited you for a second time to meet for a pint".... "Low and behold the next minute you are coming away from the ground sitting on The Huntinglife Forum ( as you do ) talking about being stuck in traffic....why did you feel the need to report a traffic jam to the huntinglife members" ?? "Its only that after 40 odd years i know the ground and the area like the back of my hand that i could see a lot of what you was saying just didnt make have sinced changed your story and come up with a load of meaningless details anyone could find out from their front room......yet you conveniently had your eyes shut or was busy having a drink when it comes to things you wouldnt be able to find out from your front room" ! "You clearly wanted to come across like a diehard fan having been ribbed about your passion in the first place only you didnt plan on being brought to task on what to me were clear and obvious porkies....forcing you to have to go back to google maps to get more " evidence " ....( double glazing shops,mosques,road signs that sort of thing ) someone already said it was foolish schoolboy errors....yet at least 6 times i gave you an easy out by saying lets leave it.........its the famous old saying im afraid ........" you made a rod for your own back by trying to bullshit your way out of bullshit "........i dont know whether to laugh or cry but its been painful to watch" ! yourself a favour Mirror man....go to confession and tell the nonce you can't stop presuming your thoughts are someone elses reality Edited November 27, 2014 by oneredtrim Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 onetrim could you take your petty football squabbles of this thread or take it to pm. I would like to see the bible brought back into the schools,saying how were a christian nation,ireland an britain,an have been for thousands of years,so I dont understand why the bible has been taken out of schools,an why its being bashed to the point of,being called a nutter for beleiving the bible,when its been the backbone of a productive,law abiding,nation. if people nowadays dont like it then they can go elsewere,bit harsh you say,well im sick an tired of the fookin mess were in bending over to pc bullshit,in are own backyard. other religons like islam an evoloution are slowly tearing our excellent law abiding christian countrys apart,an its a complete an utter joke? gods word is the absolute authority,barr none,an if people dont beleive,then they can take there unmoral undecisive,backward,neither here nor there views elsewere, gods say he will restore the land,if we obey,an follow gods laws,but theres a few in the minority,that dint want it,cause they dont wabt to obey laws an rules that the creator has set forth,an if we strengthen our christian values in schools an our home then our lives will be alot better of in my opinion Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,830 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Yeah, good luck with that...... Link to post Share on other sites
Truther 1,579 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 (edited) I thought you stopped taking drugs Fraz? Just edited to say 5% of English are the only ones that agree with you, religion = "annoying minority" Edited November 27, 2014 by Truther 1 Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 drugs,lol what drugs you idiot,an born dont write it off just yet,ireland is a christian nation,we havent sucumb to to the lying fookers in white gowns telling lies,an destroying the country Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 with a name like truther,you dont know much truth,5% lol dont think so,your just another wannabe rebel who doesnt want to live by the rules Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,830 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 LOL Fraz, all you have managed to do is supply me with evidence for my theory that hard-core literal creationists, like you, are a product of ignorance. In the shadows of knowledge it thrives.... And you're quite welcome to your Christian Ireland. Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,830 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 "If people don't follow the word of God, they can go elsewhere..." You'd have loved it in the 16thC Fraz, when you could just have the big bad church mafia come and sort free thinkers out. Thank f**k times are changing! Thank f**k people are taught to question the unquestionable and thank f**k hard core Evangelists are a dying breed. Link to post Share on other sites
frazdog 252 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 hi bh you head is that far up richard dawkins arse,your in darkness,thats what he said about anyone that dont beleive in the lie of evoloution It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet someone who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked), according to New York Times. richard dawkins Link to post Share on other sites
Born Hunter 17,830 Posted November 27, 2014 Report Share Posted November 27, 2014 Ooooo, is that what I said? Or is that what I should say according to you? People can choose not to believe in evolution, that's not ignorance. You on the other hand, you are ignorant, you desperately dispute any and all science that contradicts your interpretation of the bible. Ignorantly claiming it unscientific and yet you haven't a second of experience in academia or science. You're a student of the bible, not science, yet you claim enough understanding of it to rubbish it when again and again your understanding of the subjects you so passionately try to destroy is found shockingly lacking. Keep mentioning Dawkins all you like, I had never heard of him until last year. At least he actually is a 'top evo scientist', unlike the rest of the people you throw up to counter the theory. Link to post Share on other sites
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