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When I was a child I prayed to god and asked for a bike, but I knew god didn't work that way so I stole one and asked for forgiveness instead ?.

I will clearly state that my belief is that God does NOT exist. However, you can't prove that something doesn't exist, so if your telling me that I'm wrong, then I'm going to need some proof. Proof th

I've had a google and they reckon it's about 5000 pairs. What I can't understand if God was so powerful, powerful enough that he can make the world, he could do all these amazing things. He summons a

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yes yes paulas I know,i dont know how god came about,how about you answer my q for a change,were did your god (dirt) come from?an just because I know god is eternal,an I cant explain how,doesnt mean hes not there,now could you answer my q please

thats easy, i have no god, life is life and death is death, what you choose to do in-between is up to you, fairies are also eternal. i can not prove this but it does not mean there not. if you respect the earth and life and go about your business peacefully then i dare say all bases are covered as anything else would be worshipping a thing that i don't believe exists

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haha paulas your an atheist you have faith in something from nothing,dirt appeared from nowere an bang,your god is dirt or a rock,you cant even understand that mate,your not as wise as I thought

as apparently did your god :laugh:

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he might have,paulas mate your in serious denial you know theres only two options an you know what they are,an if your not brave enough to get of the fence,then I bid you farewell,if you wise up an want to chat,holler,peace out brother

you mean i wont buy what your selling so you will look for someone else who might buy it :laugh: the way of the brainwasher :tongue2:

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sorry for the mistake db I meant mohammed,so if mohamed was a man of god,a prophet,how come he didnt know were he was going when he died?

you go in the grave and are raised up on the day of judgement but who knows where is heaven where is hell . Any one ddead in the way of Allah or working for Allah is burieed bodilly but their soul or spitit goes to Allah but again who would know where tat is the Qran talks of 7 skys but that is about it so could be to far to contemplate for the human mind or could be behind my garage at the bottom of my Garden

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ok paulas,last time,its not me saying there two options its the whole world,nothing to do with brainwash,but if you have another idea how we got here let us all know bro

i told you earlier we could be a piece of mould on someone's cheese the possibilities are endless. two choices my arse :laugh:

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