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When I was a child I prayed to god and asked for a bike, but I knew god didn't work that way so I stole one and asked for forgiveness instead ?.

I will clearly state that my belief is that God does NOT exist. However, you can't prove that something doesn't exist, so if your telling me that I'm wrong, then I'm going to need some proof. Proof th

I've had a google and they reckon it's about 5000 pairs. What I can't understand if God was so powerful, powerful enough that he can make the world, he could do all these amazing things. He summons a

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blackmaggie the bible is used an abused for years for mans agenda,god specifically tells you,thou shall not kill, pretty clear mate

i agree bri it has been used and abused that was my point how many sins have been committed against innocent men women and children in the name of god and some men of cloth have committed horrific crimes but no matter what you do how ever evil you can still repent and be forgiven just doesnt sit right with me

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tell god ive sinned ,............ive just killed some one and there under the patio .....!!!!!

Brookside lmfao lol ps rake spot on with the Bud quote lol Edited by mushroom
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I find the whole God v Science thing fascinating.....im not intelligent enough to get involved in debating it to any great degree and it always surprises me how some folk can be so absolutely 100 % positive one way or the other with little more thought given to it than deciding what they,re having for breakfast tomorrow fry up or cereal.......Me im not totally convinced either way but i lean more towards creation than science......reading through this topic the chap Brian has come in for a lot of stick because he is 100 % convinced one way,yet plenty of other folk who are 100% convinced the other way dont get any stick at all......its a fact that less people believe in a God in Britain than near any other country in the world,France i believe has even less faith than us.......but certain parts of the world believers in God are virtually 99 % of the population.........so who are we to take the piss out of 1 man on here or billions of men out in the world....its the height of ignorance........without sounding rude i dont think Brian has put his points across very well by simply repeating certain words and phrases out of the bible.....i think when normal everyday folk talk in this manner people just lose respect and think they are brainwashed.....but in a roundabout way i get what he,s saying and admire his stance......if that makes me a loon then so be it.

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There is no god.


Anyone who believes there is, is mentaly defective.


I think the worldwide percentage of people who believe in " a god " is something like 80%.................thats around 5 billion mentally defective people on planet earth.


but what percentage of that is muslim nash its seems now that being so tolerant of other faiths that are own beliefs are being forgot and take london for example how many faiths or different nationalities are taught there i just dont think are churches or are beliefs are used enough in schools etc but we only have are selves to blame regarding churches and how many use them theses days

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I was a atheist for a number of years repeated the same shit there cant be a god because of all the bad things that happen and I thought science disproved the bible without understanding the science I was so confident in but some things happend and I was reintroduced to the bible having been to a C of E school but I was still wrestling with the science side of things when I raised these questions at church I was shown the teachings of a leader of the church I should clear up I am a seventh day Adventist by the name of Walter j veith a quite prominent scientist and he's teachings and finding I found enlightening he is on YouTube and would be worth a watch to any one who is interested in science and the bible I will not post anymore as I don't want to be drawn in to this debate any further I just thought I would add my thoughts

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