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Working Mini Russell

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Has anybody got or had a working mini Russell under 10 inch?

my mate got a bitch she 11 year old now you couldn't count how many red uns she bolted and dug over the years with her and two pups out of her in hunt service and they 100 percent fox dogs funny realy to see a terrier man coing down the field with that like a pound every time I heard someone say what he going to do with that ! Then ask any them about for sale on way back up lol
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Well its just what people are calling the small jacks I don't know why. but yes I have seen a nice one im interested in seen a picture and it looks a good old type Russell small and stocky. just waiting on a move that's all.



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Had a small white dog sent up here a few years ago it was no more that 10 pound the ugliest most insane thing ive ever seen looked like a piglet withj chewed ears ... passed it on to a mate that had the graft to do the bitch justice ....fuk me that thing worked like a demon could get anywhere quik and was a very very busy little grafter never letting anything turn it was killed to ground early this year ...pity there wasnt more of them around ...it would never in a million years won a show like most russels now a days

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my 1st terrier's was short legged jacks about 8tts stood as hi as a pint glass would go to ground but got punished every time to small but had the drive. pout her to a lakey dog and got the most ugliest terrier ever she was a bit bigger about 10tts with queen ann bow legs small head and lakey marking. they both worked well as a teem would get any where the only thing they went to ground on rabbit lost them one time for two days and when I font them all what was stopping them from getting out was a brick as the pup when in 1st and dint have the bran to dig round it. I ended up loosing the old bitch to a big hole we think i went back for a week and the land owner was looking for her but no joy it brock my hart at the time and ended up selling the pup to a mate as I didn't wont to go throw that a gen. knell I wish I still had them to day and breed a bit of bone in to them

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I was given a small Russell dog a couple of years ago by some lads who loved their bushing . They couldn't stop him going to ground which for them was a problem because the ground they worked had a lot of public around . He can get anywhere fast , has an excellent nose , doesn't mess about , if there is nothing at home he won't enter . In short a very useful dog . I went to a hunt show a few weeks ago , the Russell class was very well attended , but the size of them ! My dog was tiny by comparison , the other dogs were like donkeys , huge . How the hell they can work fox is beyond me , my dog which is easily spanned struggles in some places , these things wouldn't get their heads in the hole . Give me a small Russell with a sensible head any day .

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I have a russell pup here at the moment she ll be cumming six months this month shes ten inch small framed an short lenghthed has great energy for her age and bushes like a year land dog would to be honest abit of a handful reigning her in but have really high hopes for her. Will let her have a wee go tail end of the season

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my 1st terrier's was short legged jacks about 8tts stood as hi as a pint glass would go to ground but got punished every time to small but had the drive. pout her to a lakey dog and got the most ugliest terrier ever she was a bit bigger about 10tts with queen ann bow legs small head and lakey marking. they both worked well as a teem would get any where the only thing they went to ground on rabbit lost them one time for two days and when I font them all what was stopping them from getting out was a brick as the pup when in 1st and dint have the bran to dig round it. I ended up loosing the old bitch to a big hole we think i went back for a week and the land owner was looking for her but no joy it brock my hart at the time and ended up selling the pup to a mate as I didn't wont to go throw that a gen. knell I wish I still had them to day and breed a bit of bone in to them

why sell the pup to a mate why not gift it if it going to a good home
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