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I retiled the kennels 2 years ago,I put non slip tiles on the floor.I keep 2 terriers together in one kennel but I have to say I'm sorry I did it now.I find the floor of the kennels wet at all times,no matter what I use on them.I used a floor squeege for a while and although it took most of the surface water off the floor they ripped easily on the tile edges.I wish I had left it concrete.A mate of mine has the state of the art kennels and recently put down old roof slate on the floor bedded in concrete.He swears by this saying the slate dries in no time even after hosing down the the slate.Anyone got better ideas to sort out this problem.I have a length of conveyor belt and am thinking of covering the kennel floors with that.Whats your view on this people please.Open to suggestions and ideas.

Edited by jigsaw
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slate tile does indeed dry alttle fast than others, you could invariably use kitchen floor tiles (slate -but not glazed or polished) or install under floor heating ( not cheap though) as if theres no heating in the kennels then the tiles stay cold and create moisture instead of dispelling it ( ie look at a metal shed they condensate like mad) when you pull the floor up one trick would be to lay 25mm of celotex foam insalation under it and ply sheet on top before tiles ( this is what we do at work with any 'floating floor' install) as the floor is always the coldest part of any structure, this would help the floor retain heat and keep it dry but you must make sure you fully seal the base first, wicks,b&q and the like do floor sealants which are ment for under floor heating (usually blue in clour) which would suit this application, remember any sealant you use must have resistancy to acid as it will be exposed to urine

at the end of the day its all down to budget as to what you do, celotex is a good bet as its not expensive

hope this help mate

lee :thumbs:

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This celotex ldh,would that be known as sterefoam or aeroboard,looks like snow when broken up.By sealing the base do you mean a roll of membrane,like a roll of roof felt.it comes in rolls and especially for sealing ponds foundations etc.Any more ideas guys?

Edited by jigsaw
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