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Flea Insecticide?

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I always told them to allow at least 14 days for the treatment to take full effect. No retreat within 21 days.


You guys are expecting too much from your product. There isn't a chemical out there that will do anything to eggs, and if there was, it would be far too dangerous to use.


Always remember that the adult part of any insect population is only going to make up around 20% of the total. Treating the source of the infestation (the pets) has to be the priority followed by a thorough treatment with a good quality residual insecticide.


Personally, I'd not reach for the good stuff too soon. I've treated thousands of properties using Ficam W, and on the rare occasions that I've had to follow up with a second treatment that's when I've reached for the expensive stuff.

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Reading lately where resistance to Ficam is apparent in some cases with bedbugs ,so I imagine same may occur for fleas.


It is hard to break from something that works but I personally change insecticide if I return to a site even the following year.


My fav for fleas would be Stingray never had a callback ,and cheaper could be dearer in the long run.

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Yeah I always make sure they don't Hoover and explained to them it will cost them more.

I know no insecticide can penetrate the eggs. That's why I say make sure rooms that aren't used that much are used more now, hoping the vibrations will make any dormant eggs hatch.

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I have had a fair few call backs using Ficam W,


We always state that the treatment can take 14 to 21 days to kill all live stages and that we do not retreat within 21 days.


I read somewhere that it can take 48 hours for a flea to die after coming into contact with a treated surface that had dried.


Some people just expect to much from us!

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ficam is good enough on ebay :blink:


pfs you got flea creep alpha burns em so sometimes they creep and take a day or so to die back..you wont get it on every job by any means but it happens with agitating insecticides.


permethrin and bendiocarb is still good..bendiocarb gives a more settled treatment in my opinion..remember cats tho and fish tanks ect


ive not needed igr but im sure it can have its place in the mix.. i just have not needed it yet i think i would use it in places where reinfestation is a ongoing risk.


i use a oil based permethrin if i get waves of fleas its instant knockdown plus the oil soaks into eggs and larvae.. the residual is great on non porous fibres for emerging fleas as its laquer and coats evenly.. and on porous like food debris ect it soaks in with full affect.. emulsions and powders coat fibres eggs food ect ect so as they emerge they get contaminated.. but if a flea get a low LD it will creep from the alpha and then die back.. if you woke up in flames you would move if it didnt already kill you.


its like treating a nest of wasps with pdp they stir.... with bdp its more settled again.


fleas are strong this year.. pets have been riddled im seeing full heavy mixy in rabbits on the roads.


fleas travel on people when the host becomes overcrowded then humans really start getting bit and jumped on.. a lady was going mad cos she could not work out where the fleas came from.. i had a chat about her movements and boiled it down to a few sources.. it worked out the kids were bringing them back from a neighbours.. kids stood at the door while i pointed to all the fleas on there clothes just sat tight for the ride to fresh territory..that was a three treatment job but the second and third was at the neigbours lol..


if i get called back i look at creep or if the house owner is going and bringing them back fresh...if you treat the place but the owner still sits at his mates where fleas are then he is getting bit as soon as he gets home and settles down..he then thinks the treatment didnt work.. always check this if no pets are in house or pets have been treated and your still getting fleas after treatment.


its often not the insecticides failing its treatment analysis..just my own thoughts on it.



keep at em :thumbs:

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Good comment uncle pesta, I thoroughly agree with what you've said. I do think if you say to the customers you do free call backs, the customers will take the piss and get their pounds worth, end of the day it's just human nature

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