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I witnessed this 8 years ago when I stayed over there for 12 months. Children wore the Hare's like a rucksack with their front and back legs tied together and ran an obstacle course. Some of the children were damn near the same size as the hare!


There were trailers full of dead animals ranging from possums, birds and hogs with prizes for those who had killed the most.


Also on display were what the New Zealander's called "Pig Dogs" which looked like caged wild dogs bred for taking down and killing wild boar. Hellish looking dogs that you wouldn't like to let out of their cages!


Must admit, even though I'm a shooter it all seemed a bit odd, almost disrespectful. Then again I found most folk over there a bit odd too, with a kill mad mentality. I put this down to it being a relatively 'new' country containing almost exclusively non-native species.


The South island, specifically Christchurch, was very scenic but when you looked closer there really was bugger all there

Edited by Elliott
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Well tbh we come across as very prim and proper with our approach to hunting..tweed! I mean come on lol.

When you go to another country outside the UK and even Europe you realise that like you said yes they're still a new country but a lot of places still have large problems with wildlife and they're surrounding areas and probably realise the importance of such hobbies a little more than the stigma we receive...especially since we're an overcrowded sardine can with little space in comparison.

Edited by celticrusader
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Well tbh we come across as very prim and proper with our approach to hunting..tweed! I mean come on lol.

When you go to another country outside the UK and even Europe you realise that like you said yes they're still a new country but a lot of places still have large problems with wildlife and they're surrounding areas and probably realise the importance of such hobbies a little more than the stigma we receive...especially since we're an overcrowded sardine can with little space in comparison.

I suppose the difference is Celticrusader, they have nothing to protect. I soaked up the culture and had a great time but left feeling empty. I don't think having completed studies in Ecology and Conservation helped. You really do start to appreciate the diversity of the wildlife in the UK. It's a fantastic place to live.


Edited to add: on reflecton I suppose the NZ'ers have more of an emphasis on protecting their landscape rather than other animal species. Possums are particularly destructive. I shot 160 whilst I was there.. They destroy woodlands for fun!

Edited by Elliott
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Well I'm surprised you say that but then we have to emphasize pest control as a main reason otherwise no hunting!..which is what is instilled into people who want to pursue our interest over here.

That said I think we're lucky but still we dont have an awful lot in comparison compared to the majority of countries especially NZ I wouldve thought, this in essence makes us a lot more knowledgeable...well it should do anyways..about the law and the right way of doing so.

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That said I've never been to NZ but we all know mass problems pigs cause over in aus and speaking to one of the boys over here who used to hunt in aus up north said " if you wanted to do that it would be easy for you to get into",

For people who are interested in hunting it is very hard to get into over here and a lot would cut there right arm off for opportunity to do something like that, over here you would be travelling and paying quite a bit to do something like that....same could be said about the states as they're in a similar situation with hogs.

All of the above taken into account I still think rabbiting over here with a rimmie is cracking fun :)

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