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Pointer's On Fur

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My name is Jonathan I am from the U.S and find something on the internet that I had never heard of and that is pointers be hunted on furs the two I have find they are used the most on deer and rabbit over here pointers are seen as bird dogs I was just wondering if anyone has doing this what kind of game beside deer and rabbit have you done deer would be against the law but rabbit fox and coyote would be OK and do they point on game like birds and how would you get them on fur is it like with a hound I was bring up.mostly on hound dogs and know nothing about pointers but like the idea of one dog finding different game and one that stays were you can see it thinks for the information

Edited by kyboy44
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They are usually used to find wounded animals and some will point deer. They aren't used to hunt and kill fur just hunt point and retrieve shot game.


However they do kill fox easily enough especially the harder german short haired and wirehaired poointers

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Yes I think my young dog prefers hunting and pointing rabbit than birds. Its all about the dog being given the opportunity to hunt fur and its always better if you have an older dog who can show the way, but if not their hunting instinct will be enough for them to work it out.


I have never used a rifle hunting with a pointer always a shotgun because the prey animals are usually hidden from sight until they are flushed by the dog

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I was talking about my rifle because the one I saw of deer be hunted was with a rifle it was my understanding the dog would stay on point until the shot as the hunter moves around to get the shot but if you have had you dog to go after rabbit have you had trouble with them get in the way of the shot because with a shotgun on ground game I was worried about the shot spread

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I have a big pointer dog that I use for the grouse but also take digging he is excellent for marking but also a very hard dog he draws and kills quarry no problem. He stands 26"tts and a very powerful dog.


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