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Is The 17Hmr Suitable For Fox

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Well given as a boy my Dad used to take me out lamping with a .22lr bruno shooting foxes at 50+ metres and the .17hmr is double the power of course it is perfectly fine! Often my Dad even went for heart and lung shots and not once ever did a fox get up and run off. People get some funny ideas with calibres. At the end of the day if you are accurate and confident at the range it doesn't matter. A .223 or .243 (as police recommend) isn't any better if you aren't accurate. And I believe in Australia the .17hmr is known as the 'fox round' and Winchester have a factory there producing 42 grain .22lr rounds specifically for foxes.

Edited by srspower
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Thanks lads its just some people say its not good enough beyond 50/60 yards myself i have no problems at 100 yards and beyond with a well placed shot , and sjacko i use cz452 and would recomend it to anyone however mine has a fully floated barrel .

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Nice shooting mate, Ive used a hmr at 140 yrds and it done the business I think anything over 180 yrds you would be pushing it when you take into account the wind etc, If I was you I would do a bit of tinkering set up some targets at different distances with different weather if poss, As I know from experience there are limits on how far the hmr can do the job depending on the above. Atb Steve

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Hi steve i am with you all the way on the target shooting and i must admit i have done a lot in all weather conditions the longest shot to date on live quarry with the 17hmr is 156 yards fox head shot and yes it still dropped it like a stone so why do some people still say that its not for fox .

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  On 09/08/2014 at 07:40, white fox said:

Hi steve i am with you all the way on the target shooting and i must admit i have done a lot in all weather conditions the longest shot to date on live quarry with the 17hmr is 156 yards fox head shot and yes it still dropped it like a stone so why do some people still say that its not for fox .

Because it is a tiny little pill that is affected by the wind in a big way, up to a hundred yards yes it is fine with a well placed shot, but how many videos of the foxes jaw being blown off do we see? My problem with it is, lots of people seem to think they have a supergun, and get one for foxing, well let me tell you it aint no .22-250, if you want a foxing rifle that is not blown of course by a rabbit farting, get a .22 hornet or a .222, the hmr is ok as an occasional fox round, but as a foxing rifle in its own right, forget it get a proper rifle.

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To be honest with you mate ive always used a hmr for rabbits and foxes at various distances and I know you get to know the capabilities of your rifle and the different types of ammo to do the job if you are always going to shoot foxes get a fox rifle as the distances vary with this quarry, if you are after a general all round rifle shooting foxes & rabbits etc over shorter distances the hmr will do the job, atb steve. :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a cz452 style in 17 hmr with 16" barrel, sak mod and a small bipod. I think it is the ultimate mooching rifle, fox out to 100yrds, and rabbits, crows and magpies out to 150yrds. BUT as sure as shit on a goat it ain't a fox rifle (223) nor is it the go to rifle for a big night on the rabbits (can't beat subs in 22lr), but its perfect for a mixed bag of fun.

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Veery nice shot and veeery accurate!!!


I think the 17Hmr is good enough for foxes if the shot is accurate, but under windy conditions I've seen shots placed towards one side at that distances with it. I personally hunt foxes with a .222 and 12/70 Brno billing and I find it the perfect fox killer. Whenever I had failed to place the shot on target it has been my fault.


I'd taken down quite a few before with 22lr, but since I tried the .222, I forgot about them. I even use it for roe deer (never at long distances) and with 50grs bullets and clear shots it is very effective.



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