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i stopped using kibble and went to pasta and tinned tomatoes ages ago, can not say i really noticed much difference apart from the pasta is cheaper. depends on each persons circumstances, i get the Mrs to cook fresh pasta daily but if i had to do it myself i would probably feed kibble :laugh::laugh:

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I feed a 20% kibble along with raw and veg, dog looks good, stools good. was going to switch to brown rice, looked in Aldis, Lidls, and other supermarkets, but far too expensive.

I mix it with the meat, never had any problems, although they do say, you should feed separate.

Edited by Country Joe
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i used to feed a good quality kibble with raw meat and veg when getting a dog ready. the amount of meat/veg was set in stone, the kibble was a base, and would be adjusted up or down depending on the weight of the dog...


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