Chid 6,623 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 25tts shoulder just turned 6 in July, lurcher/lurcher bred. that neck is far to big for the head lol tottal oposite to chid21 You saying chid resembles a lollipop? I'm takin that as a compliment Quote Link to post
roybo 2,873 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 So.... I'm contamplating a litter from my white bitch, maybe the next time she breaks down or the time after, (not 100% decided yet) I've a stud dog in mind a 28tts 1/2grey 1/4 beardie 1/4 deer, but as yet he seems to think all his cocks for is pissing, he's been tried at stud a couple of times (my old bitch included) and hasn't performed. So with that in mind I may be looking for a decent stud in the near distant future. Similar to the above would consider a small amount of saluki, ABSOLUTELY no bull, 25-28tts broken coated preferred. Anyone got anything worth looking at? Cheers I know of a 1/2 cross bull if any use Quote Link to post
collie/grey 238 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 Is it just the picture or does the bitch have an overshot jaw? 1 Quote Link to post
nothernlite 18,089 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 What size is the bitchwhat does it matter what size the bitch is??? He as said what he is looking for youve either got one or haventcos in normal studing a dog out you get a free pup from it and if the bitch is only 20tts it might not be what some one is after from a pup that pups could vary from 20 tts too 28tts it's a simple question and aye I do have a dog 26/27 tts with no bull with a little saluki in it the dogs coming 5 years oldNormal studding you normally get pick of litter or stud fee, so its simple if said bitch isnt to your liking and your dog was used as stud , charge a fee instead do you know if the dog is not too your liking if you don't ask a simple question of the size of the bitch you go look at the mutt Is it just the picture or does the bitch have an overshot jaw? 2 likes on these post cant get rid werent meant to be there fecking phone lol Quote Link to post
Jedi Master 30 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 (edited) {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs34 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \ } Not sure if that copy and paste worked, apologies if not Obviously not try that again Edited August 8, 2014 by Jedi Master Quote Link to post
Jedi Master 30 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 Aha that's the one 25 tts 3/4 grey 1/4 beddy if ya fancy a run down a1 Quote Link to post
nothernlite 18,089 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 18 months long time away lol Quote Link to post
Gaz_1989 9,539 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 What size is the bitchwhat does it matter what size the bitch is??? He as said what he is looking for youve either got one or haventcos in normal studing a dog out you get a free pup from it and if the bitch is only 20tts it might not be what some one is after from a pup that pups could vary from 20 tts too 28tts it's a simple question and aye I do have a dog 26/27 tts with no bull with a little saluki in it the dogs coming 5 years oldNormal studding you normally get pick of litter or stud fee, so its simple if said bitch isnt to your liking and your dog was used as stud , charge a fee instead do you know if the dog is not too your liking if you don't ask a simple question of the size of the bitchyou go look at the muttits a bit easier too ask a question then drive an hour too go see a dog you kind of sound like a lad that has too have the last word though so plz repley too this post and that's the conversation finishedbut surely if you was going to use your dog over a bitch youd want to see it and see it work would you not ...Yeh but if it was 18" tts he probably wouldn't waste the fuel traveling. What business is it of yours anyway? A lad says he's after a stud, a lad with a suitable stud enquires about the bitch. End of. GAS the answer book... Never fail do you?? Haha Is it worse being an answer book or adding absolutely nothing to the forum? That's right. Just what I thought. 1 Quote Link to post
Giro 2,648 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 Have you thought of Snoops Dog Dre ??? Some pictures on Moochers of two pups he sired big strong pups.. Bitch would of been similar to yours bit heavier.. Dre has a small fraction of bull.. If i was after a stud for lurcher lurcher all-rounders he would be my choice or Jim's pals dog Gaffer.. 1 Quote Link to post
Crackers 807 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 What size is the bitchwhat does it matter what size the bitch is??? He as said what he is looking for youve either got one or haventcos in normal studing a dog out you get a free pup from it and if the bitch is only 20tts it might not be what some one is after from a pup that pups could vary from 20 tts too 28tts it's a simple question and aye I do have a dog 26/27 tts with no bull with a little saluki in it the dogs coming 5 years oldNormal studding you normally get pick of litter or stud fee, so its simple if said bitch isnt to your liking and your dog was used as stud , charge a fee instead do you know if the dog is not too your liking if you don't ask a simple question of the size of the bitchyou go look at the muttits a bit easier too ask a question then drive an hour too go see a dog you kind of sound like a lad that has too have the last word though so plz repley too this post and that's the conversation finishedbut surely if you was going to use your dog over a bitch youd want to see it and see it work would you not ...Yeh but if it was 18" tts he probably wouldn't waste the fuel traveling. What business is it of yours anyway? A lad says he's after a stud, a lad with a suitable stud enquires about the bitch. End of. GAS the answer book... Never fail do you?? Haha Is it worse being an answer book or adding absolutely nothing to the forum? That's right. Just what I thought. better say nothing than talk total bollocks ALRIGHT Quote Link to post
teddog 59 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 well said answer book Quote Link to post
Crackers 807 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 well said answer booklol Quote Link to post
lurcherman 887 13,264 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 Lol Quote Link to post
squab 2,875 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 ffs if i asked what nail varnish i should wear tonight you lot would find something to argue about 1 Quote Link to post
lurcherman 887 13,264 Posted August 8, 2014 Report Share Posted August 8, 2014 ffs if i asked what nail varnish i should wear tonight you lot would find something to argue about Hows the shoudler?? And pink suits you best 1 Quote Link to post
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