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MORE FUEL FOR ANTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Frank

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Oh, might have been that stuck up langer Matt Cooper so, he's a pure anti, never loses a chance to have a go at any country sport.


Des Crofton of the NARGC (bless him) softened his cough a few times, no harm either.

In many ways, Cooper is worse than Prenderville. Prendo is nothing but an opinionated simpleton, Cooper is a psuedo-intellectual, and uses his show to shit on anything he doesn't like.


I'll tell you one thing, we're fecking well short of straight-forward, non biased DJ's here.

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  Macnas said:
I'll tell you one thing, we're fecking well short of straight-forward, non biased DJ's here.


You hit the nail on the head their Macnas. :yes:

Another one that does my head in, is Joe Duffy :thumbdown:

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As long as it's a bit of nonsense between one fool and another, then it's not a huge deal I agree.


However, our sports get a hard enough time from the media without said nonsense being broadcast on the national airwaves either.


Everything has to be judged seperately, but in the main, if one of us hears something on the wireless, reads it in the paper or see's something on the telly that does our sports an injustice, we should resond in an appropriate manner, via letter or email etc.


Anti's have come to rely on our live and let live attitude, and use it against us. While we will never be a lunatic fringe, we should be forthright and vocal when circumstances demand it.

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  cúagusgiorraí said:
Hi Frank,

My Lily was saved from the hands of a cruel boy who only likes to torture animals.

He would regularly steal peoples pet and kill, torture, inflict pain etc to them, no exageration! :no:

He was seen setting an alsation on two kid goats in the public park.

He was seen cutting the heads off puppies and kittens in front of children.

He whipped Lily and tried cutting her ear off.

He never feeds his animals and they starve to death mange infested in a shed.



has this cruel little scumbag been aproached by the guards?? people like that scum make me sick in my stomach. i would have no problom puttin manners on a little prick like that

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  stevoman said:
  cúagusgiorraí said:
Hi Frank,

My Lily was saved from the hands of a cruel boy who only likes to torture animals.

He would regularly steal peoples pet and kill, torture, inflict pain etc to them, no exageration! :no:

He was seen setting an alsation on two kid goats in the public park.

He was seen cutting the heads off puppies and kittens in front of children.

He whipped Lily and tried cutting her ear off.

He never feeds his animals and they starve to death mange infested in a shed.



has this cruel little scumbag been aproached by the guards?? people like that scum make me sick in my stomach. i would have no problom puttin manners on a little prick like that



No, apparently, the guards know about him, but do nowt, his still walking about the town, as if butter would not melt in his mouth!!!!!!

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