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Fame For Carrying The Wife Lol

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This is a pic out from Page 2 of the Guernsey Press, we came 3rd in the carrying the wife competition at the local regatta.

fin won the macho man comp and my little girl won the beauty contest... The foreigners came and cleaned up



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Quite the superstar family you got Kev. :D

Definitely didn't feel like a superstar when I crossed the line mate, burger and chips and a can of coke is not the best pre race meal!

The kids were made up, Isla will happily go up on stage, but fin was forced up by all his cousins lol

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Love this kind of thing,,,,money can't buy these kinds of memory's ,,,,it's one of the reasons why I spend very little on our house,,,,or car,,,,but try to get away to places,,and have fun and see stuff..


This car I got now,,,cost £350 ,,,and it's the second time it has driven to ibiza,,,,it's a 99 vauxhall vectra diesel estate...

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3rd place thats no good you,ve got to win these things you need better technique .....next time make sure you carry her piggy back style none of that on the shoulders lark you want to be getting your bodyweight forward......and make sure next time you put the mrs on a strict diet for at least 12 weeks beforehand.....salads only......oh and more appropriate clothing next time ;) ....if your gonna be in it then win it.

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I was disappointed gnash lol, there was a false start In The first race but no one stopped us running, I was like a man possessed, I think I may have peaked in that run lol..

I was puffing a bit in the re run lol.. I'm training for next years, I'll be doing hill running with the missus on my back through the winter, next year I'm taking the Gold back to England lol..

Edited by NEWKID
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