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you dont mention weather you have experiance or not? bin to collage and there is always that few percentage that thought it was something its not. if you dont have that much experiance go and get in with a local keeper, give them a hand and be as usefull as you can! make sure its what you want to do before you jump on the band wagon. Why not go and move away to a college? give you some independance? wish you luck. Aaron

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  peckerhead said:
have you any expariance mate it is harder than [bANNED TEXT] u think and it is really hard to get a good keepering job with a good wage

like you would know pecker!!!move to a college bud there is bishop burton who run courses and then newton rigg it will get you on your own away from the parents after all you will have to do that when you eventually get a job so may as well start sooner than later.godd jobs are generally hard to find but the piece of paper and a bit of experience would be advantageous

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