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Getting Permission Gone Wrong!

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Had an early finish from work the other day, thought it would be a good time to go hunting for permission for the future

I started with the farms closest to me which i had no luck well i had no luck at all as it happens but thats not the point.

I went to one farm where a woman answered the door i explained that i was a local lad hoping for some permission ferreting , shooting with an air rifle or taking a lurcher. Well f**k me sideways she set off ranting at me, i said ow woman im trying to do the right f***ing thing by asking!!

Why is it you turn up been polite doing the right thing by asking and theres always someone to make an issue over it

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Its hard work mate.some people are just like that,or had to chase people of there land before so go off on one.be patient,and prepared for more knock backs but once you get a place or two and are reliable,word soon spreads and it gets easier.lol atb

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Keep trying plenty of nice land owners left just got to find them. I all ways feel a muppet going up to some strangers door you never what reception your going to get but on the whole even if its a no it tends to a polite one and I am all ways polite back.

Hell of a privilege to be let on some ones land especially now a days. Took me 3 years on one spot to get permission as he had been chasing people off all the time. I used to call every season but he was all ways nice about it then last year said fine you carry on just text me when your about :thumbs:

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I am in the process of moving and will be starting all over again.


I have had one or two like you describe, I always leave them a letter with my name, address and phone numbers. I also point out if they want eyes and ears about when they aren't I could do that, I have always challenged and chased poachers off my permissions and called the landowners too...... Its extra security as well as pest control

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The most annoying thing is when the landowner says yes........& then a week later says no after speaking to his keeper, happened to me a few times.......:-(

happens a lot on tenanted farms when there owned by an estate, the tenant farmers have the right to control pests but others on the estate want it all

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