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Worked in once all through my twenties and thirties. Great environment, hard work, but at the time very rewarding. Have been away from the slaughtering side for a good few years but would love to go back to it...



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Picked up tripe for the hounds once a week, the owner was from a big hunting family, all British bar 1, always seamed good craic going on, earlie starts & earlie finishes. As for hard work?!? They've machines to do nearly everything , a hunt kennel flesh house is hard work..

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There's good and bad, like most things, animal welfare is top priority these days, it's highly regulated, and you will be on camera for the most part.

Can be decent money and you'll very likely meet folk into fieldsports of some description , seems to go hand in hand.

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Reason I asked is I've been offered a job, I really don't mind getting mucked up .. I don't think the blood and gut will effect me as long as I don't have to use needles lol (proper fairy when it comes to needles)


Was just wondering what I'm to expect as never had anything like that sort of role ... And if what your saying about meat for the dogs... Then that's bound to be a perk

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There should be no reason for you to use needles, there past the medication stage by the time they get there lol

It can be very warm in them places and hopefully they'll have showers on site for you to use before you leave.

The way I see it is if your in charge of dispatching an animal at least you can make sure it's done right, quick, clean and with as little stress to the animal as possible.

Edited by jonah.
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There was a documentary on tv a couple of years ago about a abattoir in the bolton/preston area i think. It was called something like "the blood brothers" or such like. What a group they were , i should imagine they are all in prison now. Lol

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the job has got alot easier with hoists etc theses days but its a good job good crack and you can earn some decent wedge depending what your doing has for meat for the dogs someone will more than likely have already but i would go for it wxm like been said theres always a few dog men in the job

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I worked in one,,,lasted 3 days,,,but I worked in the gut room pulling runners off the intestine,,,fecking horrible job,,,covered in shit all the time...


The one I worked in was at Gainsborough ,,,and only did pigs,,,,the good side was the canteen,,,feck was it cheap,,,,and great big dinners,,home made,,,this was a long time ago,,,,and proberbly all changed

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i done 3 weeks at euro lambs, i was outside on the skin lorry. every skin that was removed came out to us on a convayer belt and we had to salt the skin and stack it on the back of a lorry. 12 hour shifts 5 days a week it was then, the bloody salt ate away at any cuts you got on your hands and they wouldnt heal anytime soon. it fecked my hands so i left, you couldnt put gloves on as it made things worse as the salt got into the gloves and rubbed the wounds on your hand.


there was also a bloke that worked there covered in scars on his arms looked like he had been self harming and he freaked the f**k out of me. never heard him say a word in the whole 3 weeks. we would be sat having bate and he would laugh everytime everyone else did in the bait room and that was all we got from him.


that was 18 years ago now.

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i done 3 weeks at euro lambs, i was outside on the skin lorry. every skin that was removed came out to us on a convayer belt and we had to salt the skin and stack it on the back of a lorry. 12 hour shifts 5 days a week it was then, the bloody salt ate away at any cuts you got on your hands and they wouldnt heal anytime soon. it fecked my hands so i left, you couldnt put gloves on as it made things worse as the salt got into the gloves and rubbed the wounds on your hand.


there was also a bloke that worked there covered in scars on his arms looked like he had been self harming and he freaked the f**k out of me. never heard him say a word in the whole 3 weeks. we would be sat having bate and he would laugh everytime everyone else did in the bait room and that was all we got from him.


that was 18 years ago now.

rays alter-ego then :laugh::laugh:

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i done 3 weeks at euro lambs, i was outside on the skin lorry. every skin that was removed came out to us on a convayer belt and we had to salt the skin and stack it on the back of a lorry. 12 hour shifts 5 days a week it was then, the bloody salt ate away at any cuts you got on your hands and they wouldnt heal anytime soon. it fecked my hands so i left, you couldnt put gloves on as it made things worse as the salt got into the gloves and rubbed the wounds on your hand.


there was also a bloke that worked there covered in scars on his arms looked like he had been self harming and he freaked the f**k out of me. never heard him say a word in the whole 3 weeks. we would be sat having bate and he would laugh everytime everyone else did in the bait room and that was all we got from him.


that was 18 years ago now.

rays alter-ego then :laugh::laugh:



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