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Missing Duck And Dead Duck?

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Down the allotment today found one of my fully grown ducks laying dead on its back. Turned it over only to realise that it's full head and neck was totally missing,no bits hanging still intact or anything just totally gone. No feathers or blood around the bird. Done a spot check to see if everything else was ok only to realise another fully grown duck has totally vanished no body no feathers just gone. Any suggestions would be helpful. Cheers

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Never underestimate the jumping power of a fox, even with a 2 lb duck in it's mouth.

I got a phone call one day of a farmer who heard a commotion in his hen house, in fact it was a large old cow house.

He opened the door and every chicken was dead (26) but the fox was still in it. He locked the door thinking he'd captured the fox and rang me.

I went down with the gun and a terrier just in case.

I opened the door slightly and slipped in.

No fox.

The only way out was where one block had been left out of the wall for ventilation .

In other words the only escape was a small hole 9" X 14" around 7 foot of the ground.

What's more there was nothing for the fox to climb or stand on.

A count of the dead fowl showed one to be missing.

This vixen had jumped from the ground 7 foot up a wall ,through a small opening with a hen in her mouth.

We went 2 fields away with the terrier and dug a vixen and cubs, job done.


Your fox will most likely be back and it looks like he's left you some bait (the dead duck) and if you could borrow a fox trap quickly and using the bait you might get him.

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