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Has any one else been bothered by wasps? I just got back and my hutch had about 25 wasps flying round it and goin inside so i quickly grabbed the ferrets out when i checked the bed box there were a few wasps in and around the hay

is there any thing i can use to keep them away without harming my ferrets

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There must be something of interest which is attracting the wasps. (Obviously!!)


What are wasps eating at the moment?


Whilst you have the ferrets out. Have a good clean out. All the nooks and crannies.

If that fails then move your hutch to try and divert their attention.


Try a wasp trap? You can easily make your own.



To add. It's possible they are after the dry wood inside the hutch to pulp for their nest.

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Failing that put a lace curtain over the wire lets the air in and wasps out .The wasps only eat the meat in my hutches the ferrets ignore them and they dont seem to bother the ferrets

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At my mates land there was 5 hives within 200 yards. They took over every bird box and even made a hive in his old tractor. Bloody everywhere this year, i also had some at my sons house in the ventilation bricks

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A trick I use is to put a bit of wasp powder in a jam-jar(to keep the powder confined) and put a bit of meat in it. Put it on top of the ferret cage. The jaspers go for the meat but don't make it back to the nest to tell their mates where it came from .

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