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Road Kill Recipes Please

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work mate spotted a small deer on his way to work, sent me a text and when I got there it was still warm, its now in the kitchen, need some ideas as to what to do with that amount of meat, be a shame to just stew it

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Hot water crust rabbit pie is always a good one , take the meat off the bone keep it chunky add some hardy root veg like swede , parsnip , carrots and onion a few redcurrants some thyme salt and pepper , line a Victoria sponge spring release tin with pastry put filling in and slightly compress it, top with pastry lid stab hole in the top egg wash ,into the oven at 200 for 20 minutes then down to 180 for another 90 minutes take it out nice crusty pastry and beautiful tender juicy insides.


Just exchange rabbit for the venison it's a general game recipe!




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Don't stew the fillets or back end come to that,,,fillets need all sinew removing and flash frying in a very hot frying pan,,,back legs haunch ect ,,,plenty of roasting type dishes avaiable,,,,


Front legs shoulders and neck are better for slow cooking stews ect,,,


Plenty of recipes out there on the net,,,read a few and see what takes your fancy

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Hot water crust rabbit pie is always a good one , take the meat off the bone keep it chunky add some hardy root veg like swede , parsnip , carrots and onion a few redcurrants some thyme salt and pepper , line a Victoria sponge spring release tin with pastry put filling in and slightly compress it, top with pastry lid stab hole in the top egg wash ,into the oven at 200 for 20 minutes then down to 180 for another 90 minutes take it out nice crusty pastry and beautiful tender juicy insides.


Just exchange rabbit for the venison it's a general game recipe!




im gonna try that one mate sounds nice although I am a sucker for a good pie lol
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