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Care of the Racing and Retired Greyhound

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The new edition of Care of the Racing and Retired Greyhound by Blyte, Gannon, Craig and Fegan costs a couple of bucks especially as hard cover...but it is a good buy when you have running dogs at home.


The book can more or less be divided into 3 parts:


First part gives detailed and adequate information on greyhound anatomy fysiology...nice drawings.


Second part handles about ailments and injuries and their therapy/control. Really in depth. From all about toes to muscles to mental disorders.


Third part handles about medication, farmacokinetics and nutrition for performance. Handy tips...proper use of creatine and such ;)


Recommended buy...for reading and applying it helps when one has somewhat of a medical/veterinary background.



Edited by Lennard
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is there eny need for a book like that ? PTS is the best way to go for retierd greyhounds , why should the general public have to look after these animals ? ok some make good pets but how much of the geneal public have masive gaffs to let a pure grey roam about in just to give it the magical life and happy ending it deserves ? not to mention if it is a hit or a miss if the dog in question shits and pisses all over your home for the first few months and takes the face off of enything that can run ! PTS is the most humain way for these dogs and more responsabilty should be put on the race owners , imo these basterds get off with far to much , once these dogs are (spent) they are dumpt on do gooders under faulse pretence , greyhound breeders racers should be made to look after these animals until they die a natural death , lurchermen do it and what they do is far more natural than what greyhound men do , GREYHOUND MEN ARE SCUM and i dont care what enyone says ! it is true..................

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The information in the book is on fysiology, pathology and feeding/training/racing of greyhounds with a lot of data and veterinary information. It is not one of the whimsical booklets on how to care for your ex-racer...



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