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What The Hell Was That!!

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So last night over a bottle of wine with my wife's cousin I suggested an early morning kayak trip to see if we could catch that elusive bass.!!

This morning was beautiful in Saints Harbour, Gurnsey, as we paddled around the headland to drift over a reef, it's only 200 yards or so off the shore but it's in fairly deep water, live eels are best ( as we found on last summers trip) but we only had artificials so they'd have to do.

First drift a nice pollack around 4lb, the same in the next couple of drifts. I lost a decent fish,... Then all he'll broke lose!!!

John hooked a fish that screamed off and snapped him instantly, with that my rod hooped over and the battle began, I've never Experianced a first run line it, at least 100yrds of line gone and I'm shouting at John to paddle after it, ( what it was I had no idea, I'm thinking record bass here!!).. For 20 mins of more we're chasing this fish around, then it's runs right at us and I'm feeling like a twat trying to keep in touch, I just couldn't turn it's head, and unless John paddled I couldn't pick up line...

After what felt an age, I'm finally gaining a bit of line ( I'm on 12lb class rod, with 10lb leader, I just couldn't bully). It's getting closer and closer... I'm shaking like a shitting dog by now, when ping!! b*****d, the hooks pulled.... But, there under the surface maybe 3 or 4 ft down is the beast... We both shit ourselfs lol... SHARK!! Shouts John, I agree, it's at least 7ft long... What the f**k!!... Then my brain comes back.. A slow kick of it's tail and it disappears into the depths... It was a tope, and a huge one at that,!!

It took a 5" savage lure Sandeel imitation.. Then dragged us about for half an hour, what a fight, and Experiance, !!! Oh well I can't claim I caught it as I never touched it, if anyone told me this story I'd think they were bullshitting, but the 2 of us had a one off experience I'll never forget!!

We're out on a boat on gues drifting the same reef, in beefing up a bit and going for it lol..!!post-50738-0-70615700-1406896772_thumb.jpg


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The thing is mate, I'm fishing light weight spinning gear for bass, I've never fished for tope bit I know a bit about them, and never expected to hook one on a 5" Sandeel lure... It was some sight up beside the kayak, made you feel a bit small tbh lol..

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Cheers lads.



It definitely got the heart racing lol.. Johns voice was pretty high pitched when he screamed SHARK.. Lol



I'm gonna have a good go at getting reconnected to it, bloody thing beat me up today lol..




Our faces were shock, with a mixture of shit yourself lol.. I clung hold and john paddled lol..

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Lol I can imagine, pity you boys never had a gopro strapped to your head, that would have been one for the pipe and slipper days.

I take it your not in Devon kev?, your gurnsey spelling has thrown me a bit .......

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Cheers all-terrain


No Clive I'm in Guernsey, we were kayaking around Sark on Wednesday, I had the kids on with me and the missus and eldest girl on another kayak.. We had done a couple of hours in and out if caves and were on our way back, when a lid of dolphins broke surface, they were around for about 10 mins.. The kids were going mad they absolutely loved it!!

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Cheers all-terrain


No Clive I'm in Guernsey, we were kayaking around Sark on Wednesday, I had the kids on with me and the missus and eldest girl on another kayak.. We had done a couple of hours in and out if caves and were on our way back, when a lid of dolphins broke surface, they were around for about 10 mins.. The kids were going mad they absolutely loved it!!

Sounds like your having a good un mate, family, water, fish.....round the day off with a few jars an some decent scran, it's all I need, simple stuff wins every day :yes::thumbs:

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Cheers Bry, I'm sure he would of the spawny git lol..


Just didn't expect it on the gear we were fishing mate, I'm tempted to catch a few fresh mackerel and fsh for them.

We were only 200 yards or so off the shore, you can reach a headland just along a bit, so a big bait off the shore on a rising tide could see a decent fish caught, problem is the rocks, I fished off the shore the other night and couldn't find a sandy patch!!

Back on the yaks on Monday morning then a local lads fishing boat Tuesday with live eels for the bass, possible trip off of Sark too with a lad who took us kayaking, we got yapping and he's invited me over for a day on the sand banks, looks cracking over there mate!!

Edited by NEWKID
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Enjoy it while you can mate. If its shitty ground fish it with rotten bottom , got to be worth losing a few leads to catch a tope off the shore. Think you may need a fair bit of line on your reel if you hook into one lol, and a cooling system for your thumb.

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