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Hi From The Bosher Of Wabbits

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A big hello from Wabbitbosher

I know ive been a member on since 2008 but i dont think i've introduced myself


I'm a Registered Firearms Dealer from Northamptonshire

I sell Budget shotguns in the sub £500 bracket

i've been a Dealer since 2009 and i've sold over 3000 guns


I'm a Transport Engineer by trade and i was Medically Retired in 2000 following a neck and shoulder injury

The Gun dealership came along by chance (Good Job really)

After being medically retired i was left to my own devices recieving nothing from the state in the form of benifits,

so the dealership saved my Home


Yes i make a profit on guns sales "I'm a Business". The Inland Revenue have all my paperwork and i pay Income Tax !


My customer service is (in my own words Sorry to blow my trumpet) near perfect

I offer 3 months parts and labour on All second hand guns, now you wont find that on secondhand guns normally


Yes secondhand guns go wrong and i'm on it with a replacement or an Instant collection and repair service

All customers get a Repair or Replacement or in the case (not very often) where it cant be replaced or repaired a FULL Refund

2999 satisfied customers is proof of this

Yes Secondhand guns are sometimes a little dirty in places they are USED !


I have Thousands of pounds worth of Testing equipment to be sure ALL guns are Safe and Legal to be sold to the Licence Holder


I take pride in the work I do and the wares I sell

I Also have a great relationship with Northants Police


What a Great Forum


Edited by wabbitbosher
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