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Not One For The Purist`s

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Found this the other day. I think the lads a legend. "why fill up on `roids, I prefer to fill up an Guinness an food man"

His fight is at the end. Its like something out of Snatch, is he gonna turn up/be sober enough to fight?, takes a few beats then knocks the yank out. The yank is in shape and been training too. First bare knuckle English vs American fight since the 1800`s. Enjoy...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9UZBg1pMS4

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Its funny how things change through the generations when we was young a straightener was as normal as a fish and chip supper.....now it gets turned into a Hollywood production and called " a sport " :icon_eek: .......The old east end boys and west end girls relationships which we all wanted back then would never of got off the ground if the bird found out you earned your living on the cobbles,now its hero worship all round......funny reversed logic people are using these days :blink: i blame Snatch myself !

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FFS Kwok making an appearance, the nhs pension must have been hit. The james kid was wide awake want he?...happyness...not a lot of it, made me laff that, i kopt a few of these types last friday, drugs all over the show, bodies full growing agent, not a happy face amongst em....i asked em how come they were always surrounded by males at such a young shagging age, you know what they said...f**k all...not a sausage.

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