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Just muzzle all dogs in a public area. Simple as that. On the spot fines. 3 strikes and the dog goes to doggy heaven. No favouritism . Everyone treated the same.

My dogs work in public areas all the time .... What would happen then ?


Sorry mate. Should have explained it better. I'm talking the streets and the local precinct and suchlike.

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Or the " no bad dogs just bad owners " lunatics !

If a dog doesn't love to bite then he most definitely Needs to bite   The problem lies in not understanding the nature of the dog, The fecking dog can't speak for if he could, the first and ultim

more nails than wood in that thar bull breed coffin... yokel

I hate the concept of insurance and licences. Personally I think legislation that firmly puts the responsibility at the feet of the owners is what's needed... Put it this way, if law stated that if your dog kills another human you get the bullet with the mut, we'd soon see an improved sense of social responsibilty! I'm not necessarily suggesting we go that far...


I've said it before, our society is being sterilised, we're almost conditioned to not take or have responsibility. Make people 100% accountable and responsible, stupidity is no excuse.

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Just muzzle all dogs in a public area. Simple as that. On the spot fines. 3 strikes and the dog goes to doggy heaven. No favouritism . Everyone treated the same.

My dogs work in public areas all the time .... What would happen then ?



Not to mention the majority of these 'accidents' seem to happen in a private environment. Often family home.

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Just muzzle all dogs in a public area. Simple as that. On the spot fines. 3 strikes and the dog goes to doggy heaven. No favouritism . Everyone treated the same.

My dogs work in public areas all the time .... What would happen then ?



Not to mention the majority of these 'accidents' seem to happen in a private environment. Often family home.


Then if it happens on your own property then you take 100% responsibility. My dogs are fine but i'd happily muzzle them out in public.

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I don't believe dogs are born bad as you cal it,

Slow backward or whatever you want to call pups not 100% at birth don't get fed by the bitch in the crib they just don't make it , they are just not given the same attention by the bitch if they don't respond to certain stimulus ,


I've yet to see a bad dog that wasn't just a highly driven animal with little or no direction for defusing its charge, we as working dog owners should know that fact better than anyone,


The biggest problem and you can see it in terriers more than any other breed is if they can't identify an energetic target , something to focus their energy towards , everything becomes a target , work reduces rage, stimulation builds a charge within and work brings it back to neutral again


Weve kept and worked dogs for generations, strong dogs , sounders , bulldogs/ wheatons running dogs , shepherds and bred many litters, had many returned as uncontrollable or crazy , the problem being when you sell a dog you don't pass on experience and dog sense at the same time

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Nurture versus Nature will always throw out different opinions and thats ok.....me ive seen fish born wronguns,trees grow as wronguns,people born psycho killer wronguns.......i just dont believe dogs are excluded from the laws of nature.

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I agree with gnasher 100% but some owners know there dog can be a but untrustworthy but done seem or want to except that and carry on unleading there dogs or knowing there garden has a hole but still dont seem to do anythink about it, also muzzling dogs in public would stop lots of the problems plus insurance wouldnt stop a kid getting attacked, take a heavier stance on the idiots who own such dogs would also help us all, have i ever made a mistake in the last 10 years??? No because i cant afford to and dont want to simple..

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I think that there should be a x amount of time ban on breeding staffs ect to try and reduce the amount of them ... Reason being I think there's far to many around ... Then there should be a ban on anyone under the age of 21 / 25 owning them


Followed up by everyone being microchipped and insured

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Forcing dogs to be insured simply won't work,at least half (probably a lot more) won't do it,then what?


Take millions of people to court?

put their dogs down?


The issue isn't that big of a deal to the government,and any legislation that effects your normal pet owner isn't going down well.

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I think that there should be a x amount of time ban on breeding staffs ect to try and reduce the amount of them ... Reason being I think there's far to many around ... Then there should be a ban on anyone under the age of 21 / 25 owning them


Followed up by everyone being microchipped and insured

that worked a treat after the DDA. Not seen a pit type in years :hmm:

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Forcing dogs to be insured simply won't work,at least half (probably a lot more) won't do it,then what?


Take millions of people to court?

put their dogs down?



They get fined then banned then imprisoned.......same as a car......look at the lengths the government will go to regarding legalising the roads......ok theres not the return money wise in dogs but the proof is there to show if laws are enforced they can be made to work.

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The majority of breeds today were bred to kill something , it's in their nature , however when we don't address that issue is what makes us wronguns as dog owners


99% of todays dogs are so far from what they were originally bred to do they shouldnt really even be carrying the breed name let alone the breed traits.


Bracken boy we can shout for heavier sentancing all we want if we cant get appropriate sentancing for paedophiles what hope do we have for dog owners ?..........In my opinion whats needed is a deterrent to keeping a dangerous dog not a proper punishment once the damage has been done there are far too many dogs being bred,if the financial stakes are raised in keeping a dangerous dog less will be bought...in turn less be bred......and eventually less incidents will occur.

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Forcing dogs to be insured simply won't work,at least half (probably a lot more) won't do it,then what?

Take millions of people to court?

put their dogs down?


They get fined then banned then imprisoned.......same as a car......look at the lengths the government will go to regarding legalising the roads......ok theres not the return money wise in dogs but the proof is there to show if laws are enforced they can be made to work.

I reckon 99% of car owners (that aren't disgruntled teenagers) agree we should have to insure cars.


I don't personally know one dog owner who would agree with this,also you've got to bare in mind legislation requires consent which we're tricked into giving,plenty of people don't give it knowingly (lawyers,freemen) or unknowingly (travellers,asylum seekers,illegal immigrants) and so it wouldn't be enforceable at all with them.


so it's not effective,necessary (making people take responsibility would be more effective and less damaging) or popular.


which unfortunately doesn't guarantee this government won't do it anyway.

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A lot of good points here, certainly very hard to police but not impossible.......


Always going to be the usual crowd whining about why 'they' should be penalised for others mistakes.......it's like whining about having to get a shotgun licence, because some are irresponsible with guns.....

Edited by Accip74
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