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Ferret Prices ££

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£10/£15 seems about the average price around our way,north west.although if its some'at fancy like blackeyed whites,micro's,or something different from the norm etc then the asking price is upwards of £40.

on the rare occasion me & my mates decide to breed ferrets we sort each other out if any are needed,i have recently had two polecat jills kits gave me.

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never charged for a ferret in 30 odd years to be honest i was glad to free the room up and grub but all this mirco and theses fancy names and show shite leads me to believe if i ever needed a ferret i

Only reson I was asking a fiver was to help to cover the cost of good food 21 ferrets and I never let any go till they were 10 weeks old and if some one turns up wanting one who I thought was the type

Ferret kits sell for around 20$ here and the first few to advertise sell quick and then many get stuck with kits that are hard to sell or give away. Basic supply and demand . Then come winter people w

never charged for a ferret in 30 odd years to be honest i was glad to free the room up and grub but all this mirco and theses fancy names and show shite leads me to believe if i ever needed a ferret i would gladly pay a tenner for decent working stock

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I haven't bought a ferret before or if I did it can't have been too pricey as I am pretty thrifty with my pennies and would remember it. I have always given away any excess kits. How much is the going rate these days in your part of the world? I am always happy to pay for good stock so don't get me wrong.

You don't need any do you sirus?


I'm the same never pay for them ,,,just gifted from mates or aquatences...and I've done the same when I have bred


My little hunting budy vin put a thread on about,,wanting new kits and we have been inundated with offers,,,,in fact vin has been on a mission collecting stock from far and wide,,,lol,,,,going to test em out this season,,,and keep the good ones,,,and pet home the rest

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I haven't bought a ferret before or if I did it can't have been too pricey as I am pretty thrifty with my pennies and would remember it. I have always given away any excess kits. How much is the going rate these days in your part of the world? I am always happy to pay for good stock so don't get me wrong.

You don't need any do you sirus?


I'm the same never pay for them ,,,just gifted from mates or aquatences...and I've done the same when I have bred


My little hunting budy vin put a thread on about,,wanting new kits and we have been inundated with offers,,,,in fact vin has been on a mission collecting stock from far and wide,,,lol,,,,going to test em out this season,,,and keep the good ones,,,and pet home the rest



No I don't need any mate, I have booked a couple of 'designer' kits to join my team later in the month :thumbs:

Your going to have your work cut out with that many stinkers :laugh:


Edited by Sirius
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Only reson I was asking a fiver was to help to cover the cost of good food 21 ferrets and I never let any go till they were 10 weeks old and if some one turns up wanting one who I thought was the type who couldn't look after them selfs got turned down

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Good on ya mate,,,,I always think lads let the ferrets leave the mothers to young,,,they think there pups,,,and start getting rid at 6 weeks,,,,personally I think this is crazy,,,10 weeks plus in my opinion

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I haven't bought a ferret before or if I did it can't have been too pricey as I am pretty thrifty with my pennies and would remember it. I have always given away any excess kits. How much is the going rate these days in your part of the world? I am always happy to pay for good stock so don't get me wrong.

You don't need any do you sirus?


I'm the same never pay for them ,,,just gifted from mates or aquatences...and I've done the same when I have bred


My little hunting budy vin put a thread on about,,wanting new kits and we have been inundated with offers,,,,in fact vin has been on a mission collecting stock from far and wide,,,lol,,,,going to test em out this season,,,and keep the good ones,,,and pet home the rest



I still gave the breeders of all our new kits £10 per kit...just as a thank you and a small payment towards the costs and effort required in rearing the little critters.

We now have strains from Yorkshire,Wales,Shropshire,Hampshire.. 4 well bred kits each to try out this season.. If half make the grade we will be ok.


Thanks to Hywel,Moxy,Trigger2 and Socks.

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£10 in my area. Reasonable considering the amount of food they get through when theyre kits not to mention the work involved in raising a litter.

What work? I had my first litter this year had 13 of them and was a breeze. i didn't find it any work at all but then i did only have them up until 9 weeks before they went to new homes. Food-wise, they weren't as bad as I thought they would be. i heard horror stories of kits being ravenous monsters but they were manageable.

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Ferret kits sell for around 20$ here and the first few to advertise sell quick and then many get stuck with kits that are hard to sell or give away. Basic supply and demand . Then come winter people want to buy ferrets and there are very few about so you can ask for 50$ and likely get it. The hardest part is finding owners that are going to give them as good a life as you give yours or better. Now I've got my working stock I never want to breed again.

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Good on ya mate,,,,I always think lads let the ferrets leave the mothers to young,,,they think there pups,,,and start getting rid at 6 weeks,,,,personally I think this is crazy,,,10 weeks plus in my opinion

I have always let them go around 8-10 weeks or so, 6 is too early for a pup or a kit IMO.

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Ferret kits sell for around 20$ here and the first few to advertise sell quick and then many get stuck with kits that are hard to sell or give away. Basic supply and demand . Then come winter people want to buy ferrets and there are very few about so you can ask for 50$ and likely get it. The hardest part is finding owners that are going to give them as good a life as you give yours or better. Now I've got my working stock I never want to breed again.

Its exactly the same here bud. I had to pay £20 for a jill half way through last season. The tramp of a guy was full of shit too. He was feeding them slops of dog food and god knows what else, it stunk. I felt sorry for the ferrets and when I enquired about buying a couple more, he broke out all his best stories and naturally the price went up. Poor fuckers didnt look like they had seen the light of day, never mind bolted 100`s of rabbits..

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Onthehunt by work obviously I mean the extra cleaning and handling you need to do. Whatever you say a litter of ferrets get through a hell of a lot of food so I have no problem at all paying £10 for a kit. I bred 2 litters over 20 years ago and let the kits go for £5 each. Im thinking about breeding another litter maybe next season or the one after and what I don't keep Ill sell to good homes for £10 or if any mates need a couple they can have them for free.

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Tell you what a litter of 10 kits are like fecking piranhas from my experience, they eat like crazy and shit like crazy. So its a little more work all-round for sure. :yes: Best to thin a litter down in my opinion, unless you need them. :thumbs:

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