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Ferret Prices ££

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I haven't bought a ferret before or if I did it can't have been too pricey as I am pretty thrifty with my pennies and would remember it. I have always given away any excess kits.


How much is the going rate these days in your part of the world?


I am always happy to pay for good stock so don't get me wrong.

Edited by Sirius
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never charged for a ferret in 30 odd years to be honest i was glad to free the room up and grub but all this mirco and theses fancy names and show shite leads me to believe if i ever needed a ferret i

Only reson I was asking a fiver was to help to cover the cost of good food 21 ferrets and I never let any go till they were 10 weeks old and if some one turns up wanting one who I thought was the type

Ferret kits sell for around 20$ here and the first few to advertise sell quick and then many get stuck with kits that are hard to sell or give away. Basic supply and demand . Then come winter people w

This year I ain't seen an ad under £10 on the trade sites and some have reached up to £40, for these 'micro' ferrets and i'll bet others will find much higher! Thankfully, there are still those who know the value of a good working home. :victory:

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Last year my two Jill's on there first litters 1 had 11 all lived 2 weeks later other Jill had 8 all lived the first lot was sold for £5 each but the second were very dark polecats bit like the eu they went for a tenner each and apart from 1 the other 7 were bought by lads who got the first lot , mind I must say and not bragging she was a proper grafter she stayed with the rabbits in the stop ends never not once kill down she even used to surface and look at me like to say hurry up and dig ye fuc## there's more , but sadly she was stolen along with her doughtier Tina a pure mean lean ferreting machine.if you took to long to dig she would drag the rabbits out the hold them till we got it off her, she was the size of a hob but so so so playful and friendly she would run at you clime up your leg n Back and sit on your shoulder

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Same here never sold a ferret always gave away with if theres a problem return it . And also got some cracking workers free off of here but dropped a few nets off as payment

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